> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2012年
发布日期:2012-12-04 10:03 浏览次数:


X射线显微镜                                                  马礼敦    2

上海试剂资源联盟建设及共享服务                               马兰凤  潘涵舜崔启明 等   11

用于流动注射氢化物发生原子荧光光谱分析的在线预还原器件       边静  刘志高  王晶莹 等  15

含水率对海运铁矿粉稳定性影响的模型试验                       李宁  李晨  王伟 等 17

条码质量检测方法探讨                                         徐万成 21

溴化铵中氯化物含量测定方法的改进                             佘辣娇  陈敏    24

传导抗扰度测试的信号电平控制方法                             杨先望  秦夏臻  刘麒   26

建筑用砂氯化物的检测方法                                     朱海波  黄国凡  钱甜甜       30

多齿分度台分度误差的测量                                     凌明     33

音频功放产品安规测试和认证                                   陈澄 鲁奇 林常胜 等  35

微机继电保护测试仪校准方法                                   王洁卿  程云斌      38

千分尺、指示表示值误差测量结果不确定度中的数学模型           孙晓光    40

浅谈新版预包装食品标签通则                                   龚丽萍、任俊华    41

车轮动平衡机一些必须澄清的概念                               马明  鲍国华      43

天平常见问题快速处理法                                       杜燕斌    49

抑菌圈测量仪校准方法                                         陈宗华  51

自动旋光仪的检定与测试                                       林国辉  53

长度计量基础知识讲座第三十三讲 光切显微镜                    顾耀宗  55

控制图在期间核查中的应用                                     杜 敏    57

使用VB对实验室检测信息管理系统的开发                         王仲昭   60

汽车电子产品EMC试验报告技术要点                              蒋玉妹  周海贝  施帅  63

简述检测实验室标准物质标识管理                               朱菁  陈志超    67



X-Ray Microscope                                     Ma Lidun    2

  The construction of shanghai regent resources alliance and its sharing service

  Ma LanfengPan HanshunCui Qimingetc.11

An automatic controlled pre-reduction system for combined used with fowinjection hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometer

  Bian Jing, Liu Zhigao , Wang Jingying, etc.15

Model test study of iron ore powder stability by moisture content on ocean shipping                      Li Ning ,Li Chen ,Wang Weietc.  (17)

Study on detection method of bar code quality    Xu wancheng   21)

Improving assay methods of chloride content in ammonium bromide

  She Lajiao,Chen Min 24

  Study on signal level control method for conducted disturbances immunity test                         Yang Xianwang, Qin Xiazhen, Liu Qi  26

Test method of chloride content in sand for building

  Zhu Haibo,Huang Guofan,Qian Tiantian   30

Error of measurement for precise angle dividing table      Ling ming   33

Satety testing and certification of audio ampilifier

  Chen cheng,Lu qi,Lin chang sheng, etc. 35

  Calibration methods of micro-relay protection measurement apparatusWang JieqingChen Yunbin  38

Analysis of the mathematical model of the micrometer indicating value error measurement result uncertainty                       Suen xiaoguang  40

new general standard for the labeling of prepackaged foods  

  Gong Liping,Ren Junhua 41

Wheel balancing machine Some must clarify the concept

  Ma ming,Bao Guohua43

Rapid processing method for balance FAQ                  Du yanbin 49

Discuss of Calibration Method for Inhibition Zone Measuring Instrument

                                             Chen Zonghua       51

Verification and testing for automatic polarimeter      Lin Guohui53

Length metrology knowledge lecture33Light Section Microscopes

Gu yaozong     55

Application of control chart in intermediate check       Du Min        57

Development of laboratory test information management system using VB                              Wang Zhongzhao60

Study of technical details in EMC test report of automotive electronic products

                               Jiang Yumei,Zhou Haibei,Shi Shui     63

The brief description on identification management of reference materials in testing laboratories                Zhu Qing,Chen Zhichao    67)




李宁1  李晨1  王伟2  周健2



【关键词】 模型试验;含水率;试验观察分析;孔压变化


Model test study of iron ore powder stability by moisture content on ocean shipping

Li Ning1  Li Chen1  Wang Wei2   Zhou Jian2

(Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau1; Department of Geotechnical Engineering College of Civil Engineering, tongji university2)

[abstract] This paper utilize the model box system designed by soil dynamic department of tongji university, making a series of dynamic test of different moisture content of iron ore powder. In the test, by exerting dynamic loads of the settled frequency to simulate wave loads, the phenomenon with the acquisition of the experimental observation and analysis and pore pressure change of iron ore powder are analyzed to discuss the influnce of moisture content of the dynamic properties of iron ore powder, which can provide reliable moisture content range for actual shipping, and has certain practical significance.

[keywords] model test moisture content experimental observation and analysis pore pressure change


[1] Mediterranean Shipping Company S A. 79/23/Add 4Code of Safe Practice for Soild Bulk Cargoes[S]. International Maritime Organization,2004.

[2] Benjanmin Gallagher, Stephanie Stogsdill, Richard W Stephenson. Influence of Ore Physical Properties on the Transportable Moisture Limit for Barged Materials[R/OL]. 2008-06-20[2011-06-06].http: //utc.mst.edu/research/r156.html.

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