> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2012年
发布日期:2012-12-04 10:15 浏览次数:

超声水表流量测量特性分析及校正方法                                 姚灵  王让定 左富强 等    2

Ultrasonic water meter flow measurement characteristic analysis and correction method research

                                                                 Yaoling WangrangdingZuofuqiangetc.

电磁兼容试验中亥姆霍兹线圈的设计及验证                             赵士桢 吴祯玮 马欣    7

Design and verification of the Helmholtz coil used in EMC test

                                                                 Zhao Shizhen  Wu Zhenwei  Maxin

新版热斑耐久试验方法解析                                           李松丽,张俊,陈有余     12

Explanation and analysis on the new hotspot endurance test method

                                                                   Li Songli  Zhang Jun  Chen Youyu

油气田天然气流量计量系统的校准                                     陈超 刘夷平 任学弟     15

Calibration of natural gas flow measurement system of offshore oil and gas field

                                                                   Chen chao  Liu Yiping  Ren Xuedi

玻璃材料折射率及色散的高准确度测量                                 徐聪恩  冯俊      18

The high- accuracy measurement of glass material refractive index and dispersion

                                                                 Xu Cong-en  Feng Jun

基于LIMS开展的自动化检测                                           罗旻泓 谢初南 顾琴     20

The research of auto-measuring and auto-testing base on the LIMS

                                                                 Luo Minhong   Xie Chunan   Gu Qin

混凝土配料秤的检定方法                                             朱星炜     24

Discussion about the verification of concrete batching scale

                                                                 Zhu Xingwei

EXCEL环境下直线度最小条件计算                                      朱方源    27

The straightness calculation of minimum conditions under the EXCEL environment

                                                                 Zhu Fangyuan

应变传感器的稳定性                                                 陈得民    30

Stability research of Strain Sensor  

                                                                 Chen Demin

四轮定位仪校准方法                                                 李矛 马建敏 张乐   33

Reserch of four-wheel alignmenter calibration method

                                                                   Li Mao  Ma Jianmin  Zhang Le

室内空间温度、湿度的检测方法                                       刘晓艳  36

Indoor space temperature, humidity detection method

                                                                 Liu Xiaoyan

爬电距离和电气间隙测量方法探讨                                     鲁 奇   施 帅  39

Research on measuring method of clearances and creepage distances

                                                                   Lu Qi   Shi Shuai

可燃气体报警器规程理解与若干问题的解决                             徐子凯  42

The understanding of combustible gas alarmers and problem solving

                                                                 Xu Zikai

2010版与1994版(IEC60060-2)在冲击高压部分的主要差异               周力任  潘 洋  朱 力 45

Main differences between  edition 2010 and edition 1994 of IEC60060-2 on the part of impulse voltage

                                                                  Zhou Liren  Pan Yang  Zhu Li,etc

材料试验机改造中的压力传感器的安装                                陈敬文  47

Material testing machine in the transformation of pressure sensor installation analysis

                                                                  Chen Jingwen

水准仪视准线误差的检定方法                                        王平均  王梅琴  49

discussion on Verifying Methods for the Level of the Inspect of the Level Instrument

                                                                  Wang Pingjun  Wang Meiqin

燃油加油机计量比对的实施与结果处理                                陈雪晶   51

The implementation and results processing of the Fuel Dispensers measurement comparison

                                                                  Chen Xuejing

指示表全自动检定仪                                                张顺良    53

new type automatic indicator verification instrument

                                                                  Zhang Shunliang

长度计量基础知识讲座第三十四讲干涉显微镜                          顾耀宗55

Length metrology knowledge lecture34Interference Microscopes

                                                                  Gu Yaozong

燃油锅炉散热损失测量与计算                                        姚志鹏   57

The measurement and calculation of the heat elimination loss in oil-fired boiler

                                                                Yao Zhipeng

公共机构节能管理与标准化                                          徐万成 杨红本  58

Discussion on energy conservation of public institutions management and standardization

                                                                Xu Wancheng Yang Hongben

节能保温材料(EPS、XPS)参数检测中的要点                          姜 艳   彭 浩  61

Discussion of key problems on parameter detection in the energy-saving insulation materials (EPS and XPS)

                                                                  Jiang Yan  Peng Hao

定碳定硫分析仪检定规程适用性的讨论                                王霁亮 黄 薇  64

The application of verification regulation for total carbon-sulfur analyzer

                                                                Jiliang Wang  Wei Huang

《压力变送器检定规程》的探讨                                      易 杰  67

Verification regulation of the pressure transmitter

                                                                  Yi Jie

SPMS系统在三门核电项目工器具管理方面的应用                        蒋 旭    68

Application of SPMS in Sanmen NPP Tools Management

                                                                 Jiang Xu

GB/T 2828.5-2011在实验室证书质量控制中的应用                     邵振威  刘志敏  张 倩  72

GB / T 2828.5-2011 in the quality control of laboratory certificates

                                                               Shao Zhenwei  Liu Zhimin   Zhang Qian

动平衡机校准规范的制定及作用                                     瞿潮庆  邵利明  74

 Balancing machine calibration standard formulation and its effect

                                                                 Qu Chaoqing  Shao Liming

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