> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2012年
发布日期:2012-12-04 10:18 浏览次数:

Vol.39,No.5  October25,2012



基于AutoCADMaxwell的电阻型高压分压器建模与磁场仿真                 宋健康   吕丹  张煌辉 (2)

The modeling and magnetic simulation of resistance high-voltage divider based on AutoCAD and Maxwell

                                                                   Song Jiankang Lv Dan  Zhang Huanghui

太阳模拟器辐照不稳定性测试方法                                       尹德金 石雷兵 周碧红(5)

Discussion about the testing of instability of solar simulators

                                                           Yin Dejin  Shi Leibing  Zhou Bihong

基于GPIB接口的时钟测试仪内部晶振频率自动测试系统                     孙 杰 韩海林 陈习权 (8)

Clock tester internal oscillator frequency automatic test system based on GPIB interface                                                            Sun Jie  Han Hailin  Chen Xiquan

凸轮评定公差标准及评定方法                                           刘兴富 (10)

The cam assessed tolerance standards and assessment methods          Liu Xingfu

基于IPMI技术的嵌入式软件测试策略                                     孙礼强 (17)

Embedded software testing strategy research base on IPMI technology

                                                                   Sun Liqiang

不同阻隔性包装材料对月饼品质的影响                                   黄玉琦 (22)

Packaging materials with different barrier properties for moon cake quality

                                                                   Huang Yuqi

25I密封籽源水中吸收剂量分布的测量                                    滕婧静  眭国平  陈建新 (25)

Measurement of distribution of absorbed dose to water from  125I seed sources

                                                                   Teng JingjingSui Guoping  Chen Jianxin

心电图机检定仪ECG组合测试波形检测识别                                武晓东   徐森   何进雪 (29)

Detection identification method of verification instrument for electrocardiograph ECG combination test waveforms

                                                                   Wu Xiaodong  Xu Sen  He Jinxue

一种新型的平面度检定方法                                             张强   王平均 (32)

A new flatness test method research                                  Zhang Qiang  Wang Pingjun

附件类电子产品电磁兼容检测适用标准                                   付洪英   孙玉萍 (34)

The EMC standards for accessory electronic products                  Fu Hongying  Sun Yuping

静电测试产品及其校准方法                                             陈建志 (39)

Static test of products and calibration method                       Chen Jianzhi

半导体管特性图示仪Y轴集电极电流倍率及阶梯电流的检定                  王艳萍 (41)

Test and verification of the Y axis collector current magnification and the ladder current of the semiconductor device curve tracers

                                  Wang Yanping

教室照明对学生视力的影响                                             张帆  刘辉 (43)

 Effect of classroom illumination on vision of students

                                                                   Zhang Fan  Liu Hui

血压计维修保养对其检定的影响                                         邓卿丰 赵华邦 (46)

Sphygmomanometer maintenance and repair for its testing

                                                                   Den Qingfeng  Zhao Huabang

呼吸机校准的几点经验                                                 马建民 (50)

Some calibration experiences for lung ventilators                    Ma Jianmin

长度计量基础知识讲座第三十六讲 测绘概况                              顾耀宗 (53

Length metrology knowledge lecture36Mapping Survey

                                                                     Gu Yaozong

绘制能源计量工作网络图                                               芮冬梅 辛立敏 (56)

The drawing of network diagram for energy measurement

                                                                   Rui Dongmei  Xin Limin

实验室管理体系的持续改进                                             陈熙 (59)

Continuous improvement of laboratory management system               Chen Xi

利用Excel快速统计CNAS项目信息                                        姜鸣   周清 (61)

Using Excel quickly statistics CNAS project information

                                                                   Jiang Ming  Zhou Qing

公文                                                            (64)


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