> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2013年
发布日期:2013-09-03 14:49 浏览次数:

Vol.40,No.3  June 25,2013

基于拟合方程的水表误差曲线校正方法                              姚灵(2)
Water meter error curve correction method based onfitted equation
                                   Yao Ling

太阳模拟器下的温度系数测试                      李松丽 张俊 王婷婷(5)
Measurement of temperature coefficient under solar simulator
                               Li Songli, Zhang Jun,Wang Tingting

电流监测器灵敏度误差的校准            周力任 潘 洋 朱 力 糜坚平 林 艳(9)
Calibrating sensitivity error of current monitor
                 Zhou Liren,Pan Yang,Zhu Li,Mi Jianping,Lin Yan

准分子激光治疗设备光斑能量密度的可视化分析      姜伟平 姚绍卫 张超(11)
The visual analysis of the energy density of the laser spot by excimer laser treatment equipment                         Jiang Weiping,Yao Shaowei,Zhang Chao

电力质量分析仪中谐波的校准方法                         阮张锋 金雷鸣(15)
The calibration method for harmonics in power quality analyzer
                           Ruan Zhangfeng,Jin Leiming

车载液化石油气(LPG)加气机在线检定装置                      吴辰飞(17)
Vehicle liquefied petroleum gas dispenser for metrological verification  Wu ChenFei

空气湿度对矿用低速风洞的风速表检定结果影响         陈权  张于 卢从俊(21)
Analysis of air temperature and humidity on the impact of mining anemometer with a low-speed wind tunnel verification results        Chen Quan,Zhang Yu,Lu Congjun

激光准直测量系统的校准方法                         张丰 曾燕华 傅云霞(24)
Research of laser alignment system calibration method  
                      Zhang Feng,Zeng Yanhua,Fu Yunxia

萃取液对弹性体改性沥青防水卷材可溶物含量的影响                  李倩(27)
Research into soluble contents of the styrene butadiene styrene modified bituminous waterproof sheet by extraction solvent                         Li Qian

基于LabVIEW的环境试验设备温湿度实时监测校准系统             金鑫(30)
Real-time monitoring calibration system of the environmental testing of temperature and humidity based on LabVIEW                                Jin Xin

血氧饱和度参数校准的方法                                      黄莉洁(34)
Study on calibration method of blood oxygen saturation          Huang Lijie

相关干涉测向天线关键技术和实现                   赵碧峰  赵志彦  马欣(36)
Realization of key technology in correlative interferometer antenna system
                       Zhao Bifeng,Zhao Zhiyan,,Ma xin

简化方法与规定程序下校准直读个人剂量仪的结果比较  白雪 陈建新 李燕飞(39)
Comparison on the results measured in both simplified and specified procedures for direct reading personal meters                Bai Xue, Chen Jianxin, Li Yanfei

浊度计稳定性和重复性检定用标准液                              李智玮(42)
Analysis of reference material on repeatability and stability of optical turbidity meter
                                Li Zhiwei

在线MLSS分析仪现场校准方法            王震涛 赵海山 眭国平 吴佳欢(45)
Study on the on-site calibration method of the online MLSS analyzer
              Wang Zhentao, Zhao Haishan ,Sui Guoping,Wu Jiahuan

温度对膜式燃气表检定的影响及解决方法                        吴家平(47)
Influence of temperature on the verification of diaphragm gas meter and the solutions
                                                          Wu Jiaping

脉冲信号波形对高等别线纹尺测量的影响及调整                    武鹏(49)
The adjustment principle and influence of pulse waveform during the high-precision line scale measurement                                       Wu Peng

预包装食品营养标签的解读及使用中要注意的问题                  王 锋(53)
Packaged food nutrition labels must pay attention to the problems in the interpretation and use                                                       Wang Feng
风速仪检定中存在的问题                      杨伟浩 林芳 赵海山 刘悦(56)
Verification technology of anemometer   Yang Weihao,Lin Fang,Zhao Haishan,Liu Yue

不确定度的灰评定及其实例                                     马浩慧(58)
Grey evaluation of uncertainty and demonstration                Ma Haohui

电子血压计检定的相关问题                                 陈翔 林俊(60)
Related problems in electronic sphygmomanometer calibration   Chen Xiang,Lin Jun

开关特性测试仪速度量的两种校准方法               金辉  聂晓晔  丁鼎(62)
Research on evaluating the uncertainty of error of average speed indication with switch characteristic tester                        Jin Hui,Nie Xiaoye,Ding Ding
长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十讲:半径样板                  顾耀宗(64)
Length metrology knowledge lecture(40)Radius Gauge        Gu Yaozong
压力表计量基础知识讲座 第一讲:压力定义及其计量单位       戴孝华(66)
Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement(1)Pressure definition and unit of measurement of pressure                            Dai xiaohua

法定计量检定机构质量管理工作中如何发挥内部监督员的作用         陈曦(69)
Legal metrology institutes how to play the role of internal quality supervisor in quality management                                                Chen Xi

计量技术机构证书打印的解决方案                     潘晗 顾琴 谢初南(70)
Solutions on the certificate printing in the measurement of technical institutions
                                                Pan Han,Gu Qin,Xie Chunan

公文                                                                (73)

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