> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2013年
发布日期:2013-09-03 14:54 浏览次数:

Vol.40,No.4  August 25,2013

实体经济是计量工作的主战场                                史子伟(2)
The entity economy is the main battlefield of metrological work
                                Shi Ziwei

红外光谱仪在优化处理祖母绿鉴定中的应用         陆晓颖 汤红云  涂彩(4)
The application of FTIR on identifying optimized and treated emerald
                       Lu Xiaoying,Tang Hongyun,Tu Cai
振弦式应变计数学模型的比较分析                 李滨 钟文斌 林飞振(8)
Comparison and analysis of mathematical model for vibrating wire sensor
                                   Li Bin, Zhong Wenbin, Lin Feizhen
标准偏心轴的研制与标定                 曾燕华 傅云霞 刘芳芳 张丰(12)
The production and calibration for standard eccentric shaft
                    Zeng Yanhua,Fu Yunxia,Liu Fangfang,Zhang Feng
精细刻痕深度的检测技术                                     徐昱(15)
Discussion of subtle indentation detection technique                   Xu Yu
无通信接口数字多用表智能化计量装置              姜鸣 李宸 王家澍(17)
Intelligent measurement equipment for digital multimeter without communication interface                   Jiang Ming, Li Chen, Wang Jiashu
                        金俊 黄国芳 李晨光 许雅(20)
Determination of palladium in palladium alloy by EDXRF
                Jin Jun, Huang Guofang, Li Chenguang,Xu Ya
基于层次分析法的计量测试系统的效能评价      武晓东 陈成新 潘国兴(23)
Effectiveness evaluation of measuring and testing based on AHP
                   Wu Xiaodong ,Chen Chengxin,Pan GuoXing

环境舱法测试木家具中挥发性有机化合物的研究     徐微  李倩  钱明媛(26)
The study of determination of volatile organic compounds from wood furniture in a climate chamber                    Xu Wei,Li Qian,Qian Mingyuan

标准表法气体流量标准装置的流场分析     王灿 陈超 任学弟 张进明(30)
Flow field Analyses for standard facilities of gas flow with master meter method
               Wang Can,Chen Chao,Ren Xuedi,Zhang Jinming

基于物联网的温室气体排放计算与在线监测方法               张孝军(33)
Research on methods of online monitoring of greenhouse gases based on the internet of things                                         Zhang Xiaojun

                   李亚飞 张爱亮 杨伟浩 林芳 刁阳春(36)
Research of calibration method for the detection device of thermal insulating properties of doors and windows
         Li Yafei, Zhang Ailiang, Yang Weihao, Lin Fang, Diao Yangchun

原子荧光法测汞含量过程中汞污染预防措施      杨晶晶 张毅 沈君璐(39)
Study on the preventive measures of mercury pollution in the process of mercury content measuring atomic fluorescence spectrometry
                       Yang Jingjing,Zhang Yi,Sen Junlu

IEC 62493: 2009标准以及感应电流密度测试方法   王明明 袁世杰 马欣(42)
Introduction of standard IEC 62493:2009 and the induced current density test method                         Wang Mingming, Yuan Shijie, MaXin

酸度计pH测量值不准确的原因                                 刘凯(46)
The reason of acidimeter measurement values are not accurate         Liu Kai

光自准直仪检测直线度误差                          解广娟  刘正伟(48)
The discussion of straightness error detection applied qptical auto-collimator
                                          Xie Guangjuan,Liu Zhengwei

                      张红 徐卫东 陈向昀 陈昊(51)
Analysis of the influencing factor during the measurement and testing of insulating resistance meters   Zhang Hong,Xu Weidong,Chen Xiangyun,Chen Hao

柔性薄卡元器件层关键参数的测试方法        陈晓童 冯园园 毛向荣(54)
Test methods of key parameters of thin flexible card inlay
                             Chen Xiaotong,Feng Yuanyuan,Mao Xiangrong

温变过程实验装置的校准方法                             赵伟钧(56)
The calibration method of experimental apparatus for temperature change process
                                                      Zhao Weijun

长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十一讲:刮板细度计           顾耀宗(58)
Length metrology knowledge lecture(41)Fineness of Grind Gage Gu Yaozong

压力表计量基础知识讲座 第二讲:压力表的分类方法         戴孝华(60)
Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement(2)Classification methods of pressure gauges                                                  
                                 Dai xiaohua

现行《燃油加油机检定规程》中的几个问题           杨红梅  张黎斌(62)
Some problems in verification regulation of the fuel dispenser
                                          Yang Hongmei,Zhang Libin

超声热量表换能器安装方式                         朱  锐 翟智民(64)
Analysis on assembled methods of ultrasonic heat meter transducer
                                            Zhu Rui,Zhai Zhimin

能源计量器具配备实例分析                                李张标(66)
The energy measurement apparatus equipped with case analysis   Li Zhangbiao

计量样品流转信息的采集                      顾琴 潘晗 蒯翀 张乐(70)
Research on collecting the tracing information of the samples
                                  Gu Qin,Pan Han,Kuai Chong,Zhang Le

计量管理在企业管理中的作用                                 潘丽(73)
The role of metrological management in enterprise management
                                                              Pan Li

公文                                                           (75)

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