> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2015年
发布日期:2015-03-17 16:01 浏览次数:

Vol.42,No.1  february 25,2015


传输/反射法测量材料电磁参数及其改进方法                   滕玉龙 蔡青2

Analysis of transmission/reflection method for measuring electromagnetic parameters of materials and improved methods                     Teng YulongCai Qing


太阳能电池光谱响应度测量方法的分析与比较            李铁成    石雷兵  林方盛5

Analysis and comparison of different spectral response measurement methods of solar cell                                   Li TiechengShi LeibingLin Fangsheng


振动时效技术及残余应力测试                                    陈得民8

Vibration aging application and residual stress test                   Chen Demin


三坐标测量机的升级改造                 张波  傅云霞  曾燕华  唐冬梅11

Upgrading for CMM         Zhang BoFu YunxiaZeng YanhuaTamg Dongmei


电视机电源端骚扰电压的测试                                    奚玉成13

The discussion and consideration related to the test of disturbance voltage at the mains terminals of television                                         Xi Yucheng


浅式微型温度校验炉                       朱晨彬  姚丽芳  朱欣赟  陈宇17

The research of shallow micro temperature block calibrator

Zhu ChenbinYao Lifang, Zhu XinyunChen Yu


农药杀虫剂中11种禁限用农药的同时检测                李海燕 施慧娟 21

Simultaneous detection of 11 restricted pesticides in insecticide    

Li Haiyan, Shihuijuan, Xiao Zheng



郝玉红 薛民杰 陈黎明  陈鹰24

HR-ICP-MS determination of five kinds of harmful metal elements in infant milk powder                    Hao Yuhong Xue Minjie Chen LimingChen Ying


基于SolidWorks Simulation的受力弯管有限元分析                  亚力坤 王鹏26

Finite element analysis for stress bending based on SolidWorks Simulation

Ya LikunWang Peng


出租汽车计价器防作弊系统的设计与实现                 臧晓伟  官洪运29

Design and implementation of anti-cheating taxi meter system   

Zang XiaoweiGuan Hongyun


汽油介质特性对燃油加油机检定结果的影响                     夏云良 吴欢31

Analysis of the influence of medium characteristics of gasoline to the fuel dispenser verification results and countermeasures               Xia YunliangWu Huang


抗电强度的测量方法                                        施帅 孙仲瑞34

Study on the method of electric strength test            Shi ShuaiSun Zhongrui


千分尺压、离线快速修理技巧                                 李承荣37

Rapid Repair Technique of Micrometer Pressure and Departing Line  Li Chengrong


电磁推杆式电能校验信号采集装置                                     李博38

An energy calibration signal collection device with electromagnetic pusher  Li Bo


油罐静电接地检测方法改进                                         闫庆武40

Brief talk of oil tank electrostatic grounding detection method improvement

Yan Qingwu


长度计量基础知识讲座 第五十讲:螺纹千分尺                顾耀宗(42

Length metrology knowledge lecture50Screw Thread Micrometer   Gu Yaozong


压力表计量基础知识讲座 第十一讲:弹性元件式一般压力表的检定(下)戴孝华(43

Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement11Veri fication of elastic element general pressure gagesbottom                       Dai Xiaohua


JJF 1376-2012的几点建议                                 左钢   周文47

Some suggestions for JJF1376-2012                       Zuo GangZhou Wen


2014版液相色谱仪检定规程的探讨                              李硕 邱旸 张敏49

Discussion of the Verification Regulation of Liquid Chromatographs (2014 Edition)

Li ShuoQiu YangZhang Min


热能表新旧检定规程的对比                                      锐,郑云林51

The comparison between the old and new verification regulation of Heat meter

Zhu RuiZheng Yunlin


兼具提醒与查询功能的检测业务短信服务平台                           王凤伟53

The metrology SMS service platform of alert and query detect information‍

Wang Fengwei


省级法定计量检测技术机构市场战略分析                       谭德建55

Analysis of provincial legal metrology testing technology institutions market strategy

Tan Dejian  


如何实施一次分组或区域计量保障方案                               徐炎58

Simply analysis on group or regional measurement assurance program    Xu Yan


计量技术机构大型科学仪器设备共享过程中存在的问题及对策    李毅  胡方铮62

The solution to deal with the problem of large scientific instruments and equipments sharing in the measurement institution                Li YiHu Fangzheng 


公文                                                             63-65

商情                                                             66-68

-1  新年致辞

扉页   2014年华东地区计量工作会议召开

扉页   上海市计量测试学会第八次会员代表大会召开

41     上海市组织2015年计量监管实务培训

57     上海市2014年“计量科普小达人挑战赛”顺利结束

61     加强合作交流,共促技术发展













时间: 2015 -03 -17

Vol.42,No.1  february 25,2015


传输/反射法测量材料电磁参数及其改进方法                   滕玉龙 蔡青2

Analysis of transmission/reflection method for measuring electromagnetic parameters of materials and improved methods                     Teng YulongCai Qing


太阳能电池光谱响应度测量方法的分析与比较            李铁成    石雷兵  林方盛5

Analysis and comparison of different spectral response measurement methods of solar cell                                   Li TiechengShi LeibingLin Fangsheng


振动时效技术及残余应力测试                                    陈得民8

Vibration aging application and residual stress test                   Chen Demin


三坐标测量机的升级改造                 张波  傅云霞  曾燕华  唐冬梅11

Upgrading for CMM         Zhang BoFu YunxiaZeng YanhuaTamg Dongmei


电视机电源端骚扰电压的测试                                    奚玉成13

The discussion and consideration related to the test of disturbance voltage at the mains terminals of television                                         Xi Yucheng


浅式微型温度校验炉                       朱晨彬  姚丽芳  朱欣赟  陈宇17

The research of shallow micro temperature block calibrator

Zhu ChenbinYao Lifang, Zhu XinyunChen Yu


农药杀虫剂中11种禁限用农药的同时检测                李海燕 施慧娟 21

Simultaneous detection of 11 restricted pesticides in insecticide    

Li Haiyan, Shihuijuan, Xiao Zheng



郝玉红 薛民杰 陈黎明  陈鹰24

HR-ICP-MS determination of five kinds of harmful metal elements in infant milk powder                    Hao Yuhong Xue Minjie Chen LimingChen Ying


基于SolidWorks Simulation的受力弯管有限元分析                  亚力坤 王鹏26

Finite element analysis for stress bending based on SolidWorks Simulation

Ya LikunWang Peng


出租汽车计价器防作弊系统的设计与实现                 臧晓伟  官洪运29

Design and implementation of anti-cheating taxi meter system   

Zang XiaoweiGuan Hongyun


汽油介质特性对燃油加油机检定结果的影响                     夏云良 吴欢31

Analysis of the influence of medium characteristics of gasoline to the fuel dispenser verification results and countermeasures               Xia YunliangWu Huang


抗电强度的测量方法                                        施帅 孙仲瑞34

Study on the method of electric strength test            Shi ShuaiSun Zhongrui


千分尺压、离线快速修理技巧                                 李承荣37

Rapid Repair Technique of Micrometer Pressure and Departing Line  Li Chengrong


电磁推杆式电能校验信号采集装置                                     李博38

An energy calibration signal collection device with electromagnetic pusher  Li Bo


油罐静电接地检测方法改进                                         闫庆武40

Brief talk of oil tank electrostatic grounding detection method improvement

Yan Qingwu


长度计量基础知识讲座 第五十讲:螺纹千分尺                顾耀宗(42

Length metrology knowledge lecture50Screw Thread Micrometer   Gu Yaozong


压力表计量基础知识讲座 第十一讲:弹性元件式一般压力表的检定(下)戴孝华(43

Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement11Veri fication of elastic element general pressure gagesbottom                       Dai Xiaohua


JJF 1376-2012的几点建议                                 左钢   周文47

Some suggestions for JJF1376-2012                       Zuo GangZhou Wen


2014版液相色谱仪检定规程的探讨                              李硕 邱旸 张敏49

Discussion of the Verification Regulation of Liquid Chromatographs (2014 Edition)

Li ShuoQiu YangZhang Min


热能表新旧检定规程的对比                                      锐,郑云林51

The comparison between the old and new verification regulation of Heat meter

Zhu RuiZheng Yunlin


兼具提醒与查询功能的检测业务短信服务平台                           王凤伟53

The metrology SMS service platform of alert and query detect information‍

Wang Fengwei


省级法定计量检测技术机构市场战略分析                       谭德建55

Analysis of provincial legal metrology testing technology institutions market strategy

Tan Dejian  


如何实施一次分组或区域计量保障方案                               徐炎58

Simply analysis on group or regional measurement assurance program    Xu Yan


计量技术机构大型科学仪器设备共享过程中存在的问题及对策    李毅  胡方铮62

The solution to deal with the problem of large scientific instruments and equipments sharing in the measurement institution                Li YiHu Fangzheng 


公文                                                             63-65

商情                                                             66-68

-1  新年致辞

扉页   2014年华东地区计量工作会议召开

扉页   上海市计量测试学会第八次会员代表大会召开

41     上海市组织2015年计量监管实务培训

57     上海市2014年“计量科普小达人挑战赛”顺利结束

61     加强合作交流,共促技术发展












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