> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2014年
发布日期:2015-03-19 12:01 浏览次数:

Vol.41,No.4  August 25,2014


气载放射性碘监测设备的校准                     何林锋 陆小军 徐一鹤2

Calibration for gaseous radioactive iodine monitoring equipment

He LinfengLu XiaojunXu Yihe


纯电动城市客车电磁兼容性试验      许响林 刘青松 覃延明 李彬  翟建鹏4

Experimental study on electromagnetic compatibility of pure electric city bus

Xu XianglinLiu QingsongQing YanmingLi BinZhai Jianpeng


杂散辐射功率测量方法                                 袁世杰 马士平8

Test method for spurious emission power measurement   Yuan ShijieMa Shiping


一种高准确度的标准磁场装置                                    徐昱11

The research of high accuracy standard magnetic field device          Xu Yu


磁性液位计(模拟法)检测方法               章天霈  张忠立  罗佳骏14

The discuss of the calibration for magnetic level meters by means of a dry approach

Zhang TianpeiZhang ZhongliLuo Jiajun


提高实验室测量结果质量的常用方法                           张清莲17

Simply analysis on commonly methods to improve the quality of laboratory measurement results                                  Zhang qinglian


精密铂电阻温度计的校准方法             姚丽芳  陈宇  郑伟  朱家良21

Study of precision platinum resistance thermometer calibration method

Yao LifangChen YuZheng WeiZhu Jialiang


基于LaBviewBPSK调制器时延测量方法          陈光尧  赵嫚  陈炜23

A method of BPSK modulator delay measurement Based on LaBview

Chen GuangyaoZhao ManChen Wei


电能功率现场测量方法的计量性能                         沈明炎  肖娜丽26

Research on metrological performance of electric power on-site measurement methods

 Shen MingyanXiao Nali


基于NLMS自适应滤波的实时声音信号检测识别                  周政29

Realtime voice signal detection and recognition study based on NLMS adaptive filter

Zhou Zheng


计量技术机构检测质量控制技术的方法     王一民 李张标 陈旭东 许碧泽33

Method research and implementation of detect quality control technology of metrology institutions                  Wang YiminLi ZhangbiaoChen XudongXu Bize


导线间串扰对传导骚扰测试的影响                李金龙  马欣  胡文涛36

Impact of crosstalk in wires to conducted emission measurement

Li JinlongMa XinHu Wentao


基于最近点配准的精密零件线轮廓度误差评定         李新  秦洁  刘辉41

Linear profile error evaluation based on the closest point registration for precision parts                                        Li XinQin JieLiu Hui


多通道动态(可移动)心电图机信号测试台                        黄耀森45

Development on the signal-testing  station of   Multi-Channel  ambulatory electrocardiographs                                        Huang Yaosen


如何判断螺纹量规样品的规格                    张姗姗  李四超  王健47

How to determine the description of screw threads

Zhang ShanshanLi SichaoWang Jian


压力仪表弹性元件的特性及评定方法                            孙晓全48

Characteristics and evaluation methods of elastic element pressure gauges

Sun Xiaoquan


医用CT机检定操作中的问题与解决方案                        王鹏德50

Certification  of medical CT apparatus  in operation problems and solutions

                                     Wang Pengde


砝码的计量影响因素                                          徐聪恩52

A brief analysis of impact on weights calibration                 Xu Congen


天平检修中横梁吊耳的托翼也是一个要关注的重要因素        朱琳  吴迪54

In the balance repairs of the balance beam hanger wing research                                                   

                                                         Zu LinWu Di


Word“邮件合并”功能在数据处理以及填写上的应用        夏晓明 王晶晶57

The application of Word mail merge feature on date procssing and filling

Xia XiaomingWang Jingjing


车速对轮胎滚动周长的影响                                陆君一  徐彪59

The research about the effects of the car speed on the tire-rolling perimeter

 Lu JunyiXu Biao


长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十七讲:光学角规                  顾耀宗(61

Length metrology knowledge lecture47Optical angle gauge    Gu Yaozong


压力表计量基础知识讲座 第八讲:精密压力表的检定(下)        戴孝华(63

Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement8Virification of precise pressure gauges bottom                                 Dai Xiaohua


计量技术机构服务承诺的动态管理                                  颖(68

The dynamic management of service commitments in metrology institute    Tang Ying                                             

公文                                                             70-71

商情                                                             72-74

扉页   计量动态 上海市政府正式印发贯彻落实国务院《计量发展规划(2013-2020)》实施意见

扉页   计量动态 国家质检总局计量司副司长王步步一行在上海调研

46     计量动态 赛多利斯成立独立新公司运行工业称重业务

60     计量动态 雷尼绍上海总部乔迁新址

62     新产品介绍 新型Fluke 750P 系列压力模块功能选项更多、测量准确度更高

62     新产品介绍 福禄克万元工业级热像仪Ti95/Ti90全新问世













时间: 2015 -03 -19

Vol.41,No.4  August 25,2014


气载放射性碘监测设备的校准                     何林锋 陆小军 徐一鹤2

Calibration for gaseous radioactive iodine monitoring equipment

He LinfengLu XiaojunXu Yihe


纯电动城市客车电磁兼容性试验      许响林 刘青松 覃延明 李彬  翟建鹏4

Experimental study on electromagnetic compatibility of pure electric city bus

Xu XianglinLiu QingsongQing YanmingLi BinZhai Jianpeng


杂散辐射功率测量方法                                 袁世杰 马士平8

Test method for spurious emission power measurement   Yuan ShijieMa Shiping


一种高准确度的标准磁场装置                                    徐昱11

The research of high accuracy standard magnetic field device          Xu Yu


磁性液位计(模拟法)检测方法               章天霈  张忠立  罗佳骏14

The discuss of the calibration for magnetic level meters by means of a dry approach

Zhang TianpeiZhang ZhongliLuo Jiajun


提高实验室测量结果质量的常用方法                           张清莲17

Simply analysis on commonly methods to improve the quality of laboratory measurement results                                  Zhang qinglian


精密铂电阻温度计的校准方法             姚丽芳  陈宇  郑伟  朱家良21

Study of precision platinum resistance thermometer calibration method

Yao LifangChen YuZheng WeiZhu Jialiang


基于LaBviewBPSK调制器时延测量方法          陈光尧  赵嫚  陈炜23

A method of BPSK modulator delay measurement Based on LaBview

Chen GuangyaoZhao ManChen Wei


电能功率现场测量方法的计量性能                         沈明炎  肖娜丽26

Research on metrological performance of electric power on-site measurement methods

 Shen MingyanXiao Nali


基于NLMS自适应滤波的实时声音信号检测识别                  周政29

Realtime voice signal detection and recognition study based on NLMS adaptive filter

Zhou Zheng


计量技术机构检测质量控制技术的方法     王一民 李张标 陈旭东 许碧泽33

Method research and implementation of detect quality control technology of metrology institutions                  Wang YiminLi ZhangbiaoChen XudongXu Bize


导线间串扰对传导骚扰测试的影响                李金龙  马欣  胡文涛36

Impact of crosstalk in wires to conducted emission measurement

Li JinlongMa XinHu Wentao


基于最近点配准的精密零件线轮廓度误差评定         李新  秦洁  刘辉41

Linear profile error evaluation based on the closest point registration for precision parts                                        Li XinQin JieLiu Hui


多通道动态(可移动)心电图机信号测试台                        黄耀森45

Development on the signal-testing  station of   Multi-Channel  ambulatory electrocardiographs                                        Huang Yaosen


如何判断螺纹量规样品的规格                    张姗姗  李四超  王健47

How to determine the description of screw threads

Zhang ShanshanLi SichaoWang Jian


压力仪表弹性元件的特性及评定方法                            孙晓全48

Characteristics and evaluation methods of elastic element pressure gauges

Sun Xiaoquan


医用CT机检定操作中的问题与解决方案                        王鹏德50

Certification  of medical CT apparatus  in operation problems and solutions

                                     Wang Pengde


砝码的计量影响因素                                          徐聪恩52

A brief analysis of impact on weights calibration                 Xu Congen


天平检修中横梁吊耳的托翼也是一个要关注的重要因素        朱琳  吴迪54

In the balance repairs of the balance beam hanger wing research                                                   

                                                         Zu LinWu Di


Word“邮件合并”功能在数据处理以及填写上的应用        夏晓明 王晶晶57

The application of Word mail merge feature on date procssing and filling

Xia XiaomingWang Jingjing


车速对轮胎滚动周长的影响                                陆君一  徐彪59

The research about the effects of the car speed on the tire-rolling perimeter

 Lu JunyiXu Biao


长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十七讲:光学角规                  顾耀宗(61

Length metrology knowledge lecture47Optical angle gauge    Gu Yaozong


压力表计量基础知识讲座 第八讲:精密压力表的检定(下)        戴孝华(63

Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement8Virification of precise pressure gauges bottom                                 Dai Xiaohua


计量技术机构服务承诺的动态管理                                  颖(68

The dynamic management of service commitments in metrology institute    Tang Ying                                             

公文                                                             70-71

商情                                                             72-74

扉页   计量动态 上海市政府正式印发贯彻落实国务院《计量发展规划(2013-2020)》实施意见

扉页   计量动态 国家质检总局计量司副司长王步步一行在上海调研

46     计量动态 赛多利斯成立独立新公司运行工业称重业务

60     计量动态 雷尼绍上海总部乔迁新址

62     新产品介绍 新型Fluke 750P 系列压力模块功能选项更多、测量准确度更高

62     新产品介绍 福禄克万元工业级热像仪Ti95/Ti90全新问世












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