> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2014年
发布日期:2015-03-19 12:03 浏览次数:

Vol.41,No.5  October 25,2014


用于微纳米几何量尺寸测量的三维微接触式测头             李 源 吴俊杰2

Research on 3D micro tactile probe for micro- and nanometer dimensional measurement                                        Li YuanWu Junjie


光照度计的自动检定系统                                         蔡丽枝6

Study on auto-testing system of illuminometer                    Cai Lizhi


空气超声波检漏仪检测方法                陈文王 安兆亮 周子炜 陈继红9

Research on the test regulation of air ultrasonic detector

Chen WenwangAn ZhaoliangZhou ZiweiChen Jihong


基于LabVIEW的水平仪自动检测装置                              赵焕宇13

LabVIEW-based development in automatic calibrators for the levels

Zhao Huanyu



陈黎明 蔡 畅 朱力敏 郝玉红 薛韧捷 薛民杰 陈 鹰16

Determination of impurities in electronic grade isopropanol by HR-ICP-MS

Chen Liming, Cai Chang, Zhu Limin, Hao Yuhong, Xue Renjie, Xue Minjie, Che Ying


换气率对室内环境中甲醛测试结果的影响                  钱明媛  张 敏19

Studies on the effect of infiltration rates to the test results of the formaldehyde in the indoor environment                      Qian MingyuanZhang Min


红外测温仪检定误差原因剖析及对策                      史恩忠 杨宝华21

The calibration of  infrared temperature measurement error analysis of causes and countermeasures                                  Shi EnzhongYang Baohua


数字多用表自动检定系统的组建          吴敏婕 朱剑平 潘 洁 王一丽23

Design of the digital multimeter automatic verification system

Wu MinjieZhu JianpingPan JieWang Yili


毛细管白酒专用柱气相色谱法测定白酒中甲醇含量                  徐万秀27

The discussion about the methanol determination in Chinese spirits by gas chromatography using the spirits special capillary column           Xu Wanxiu


电磁耦合钳的校准系统                  左建生 缪 轶 朱建刚 陈超婵30

Research on electromagnetic coupling clamp calibration system

Zuo JianshengMiao YiZhu JiangangChen Chaochan


流程管理在漆包线线径检测中的应用                       姜 鸣  张宏建33

Application research of process management for diameter detection of enameled wire

Jiang mingZhang Hongjian


采用阈值法的自动血压计                                       刘彦刚36

The automated sphygmomanometer of threshold method is better than mercurial sphygmomanometer                                     Liu Yangang


家用气雾剂商品量计量检验装置                                   赵炜38

Study on metrological testing device for net quantity of aerosol product

Zhao Wei


沈明炎  肖娜丽  许惠锋41

The analysis of the new type of the electricity-stolen of civil electronic watt-hour meter base on chip of ADE7755                 Shen Mingyan, Xiao Nali,Xu Huifeng


图像传输与控制技术在流量标准装置中的应用     王锡钢  安海骄  于劲竹45

Image transmission and control technology in the application of flow standard device

                                  Wang XigangAn HaigangYu Jinzhu


验光镜片箱中红绿滤光片的检定方法               陶瑛  康玉霜  张际平48

Discussion on verification technique of red and green filters in the trial case lenses

                                  Tao YingKang YushuangZhang Jiping


多排螺旋CT检定中的几个关键术语和概念        罗雄峰  李云龙  喻旭东49

Several critical concepts in the verification of Multislice Spiral CT

                                    Luo XiongfengLi YunlongYu Xudong


大量程数显千分表校准方法及相关问题                      李军 孙维强52

Calibration method of the large range of digital dial gauge and discussion on relevant issues

                                               Li JunSun Weiqiang


尖峰信号发生器期间核查方法                                     54

Periodic check method of peak signal generator                Ding Hua


水表检定装置的技术改进                    依马木吾山•阿布拉    周宏56

Technical improvement of water meter test device

                                 Yi MamuwushanA BulaZhou Hong


长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十八讲:螺纹的基本参数            顾耀宗(57

Length metrology knowledge lecture48The basic parameters of the screw thread

 Gu Yaozong


压力表计量基础知识讲座 第九讲:弹性元件式一般压力表的检定(上)戴孝华(60

Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement9Veri fication of elastic element general pressure gages top                       Dai Xiaohua


JJF 1059.1-2012中预评估重复性条款                                67

Analytical terms of the pre assessment of repetability of JJF 1059.1-2012

                                                            Wang Xin

公文                                                             69-73

商情                                                             74-76

扉页   计量动态 2014年度长三角计量工作会议在沪召开

扉页   计量动态 推进落实计量发展规划暨2014年上海市计量重点工作推进会召开

5      计量动态 “现场全自动压力校验仪”科技项目通过技术鉴定

47     新产品介绍 福禄克Fluke 1000FLT荧光灯测试仪















时间: 2015 -03 -19

Vol.41,No.5  October 25,2014


用于微纳米几何量尺寸测量的三维微接触式测头             李 源 吴俊杰2

Research on 3D micro tactile probe for micro- and nanometer dimensional measurement                                        Li YuanWu Junjie


光照度计的自动检定系统                                         蔡丽枝6

Study on auto-testing system of illuminometer                    Cai Lizhi


空气超声波检漏仪检测方法                陈文王 安兆亮 周子炜 陈继红9

Research on the test regulation of air ultrasonic detector

Chen WenwangAn ZhaoliangZhou ZiweiChen Jihong


基于LabVIEW的水平仪自动检测装置                              赵焕宇13

LabVIEW-based development in automatic calibrators for the levels

Zhao Huanyu



陈黎明 蔡 畅 朱力敏 郝玉红 薛韧捷 薛民杰 陈 鹰16

Determination of impurities in electronic grade isopropanol by HR-ICP-MS

Chen Liming, Cai Chang, Zhu Limin, Hao Yuhong, Xue Renjie, Xue Minjie, Che Ying


换气率对室内环境中甲醛测试结果的影响                  钱明媛  张 敏19

Studies on the effect of infiltration rates to the test results of the formaldehyde in the indoor environment                      Qian MingyuanZhang Min


红外测温仪检定误差原因剖析及对策                      史恩忠 杨宝华21

The calibration of  infrared temperature measurement error analysis of causes and countermeasures                                  Shi EnzhongYang Baohua


数字多用表自动检定系统的组建          吴敏婕 朱剑平 潘 洁 王一丽23

Design of the digital multimeter automatic verification system

Wu MinjieZhu JianpingPan JieWang Yili


毛细管白酒专用柱气相色谱法测定白酒中甲醇含量                  徐万秀27

The discussion about the methanol determination in Chinese spirits by gas chromatography using the spirits special capillary column           Xu Wanxiu


电磁耦合钳的校准系统                  左建生 缪 轶 朱建刚 陈超婵30

Research on electromagnetic coupling clamp calibration system

Zuo JianshengMiao YiZhu JiangangChen Chaochan


流程管理在漆包线线径检测中的应用                       姜 鸣  张宏建33

Application research of process management for diameter detection of enameled wire

Jiang mingZhang Hongjian


采用阈值法的自动血压计                                       刘彦刚36

The automated sphygmomanometer of threshold method is better than mercurial sphygmomanometer                                     Liu Yangang


家用气雾剂商品量计量检验装置                                   赵炜38

Study on metrological testing device for net quantity of aerosol product

Zhao Wei


沈明炎  肖娜丽  许惠锋41

The analysis of the new type of the electricity-stolen of civil electronic watt-hour meter base on chip of ADE7755                 Shen Mingyan, Xiao Nali,Xu Huifeng


图像传输与控制技术在流量标准装置中的应用     王锡钢  安海骄  于劲竹45

Image transmission and control technology in the application of flow standard device

                                  Wang XigangAn HaigangYu Jinzhu


验光镜片箱中红绿滤光片的检定方法               陶瑛  康玉霜  张际平48

Discussion on verification technique of red and green filters in the trial case lenses

                                  Tao YingKang YushuangZhang Jiping


多排螺旋CT检定中的几个关键术语和概念        罗雄峰  李云龙  喻旭东49

Several critical concepts in the verification of Multislice Spiral CT

                                    Luo XiongfengLi YunlongYu Xudong


大量程数显千分表校准方法及相关问题                      李军 孙维强52

Calibration method of the large range of digital dial gauge and discussion on relevant issues

                                               Li JunSun Weiqiang


尖峰信号发生器期间核查方法                                     54

Periodic check method of peak signal generator                Ding Hua


水表检定装置的技术改进                    依马木吾山•阿布拉    周宏56

Technical improvement of water meter test device

                                 Yi MamuwushanA BulaZhou Hong


长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十八讲:螺纹的基本参数            顾耀宗(57

Length metrology knowledge lecture48The basic parameters of the screw thread

 Gu Yaozong


压力表计量基础知识讲座 第九讲:弹性元件式一般压力表的检定(上)戴孝华(60

Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement9Veri fication of elastic element general pressure gages top                       Dai Xiaohua


JJF 1059.1-2012中预评估重复性条款                                67

Analytical terms of the pre assessment of repetability of JJF 1059.1-2012

                                                            Wang Xin

公文                                                             69-73

商情                                                             74-76

扉页   计量动态 2014年度长三角计量工作会议在沪召开

扉页   计量动态 推进落实计量发展规划暨2014年上海市计量重点工作推进会召开

5      计量动态 “现场全自动压力校验仪”科技项目通过技术鉴定

47     新产品介绍 福禄克Fluke 1000FLT荧光灯测试仪














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