> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2016年
发布日期:2017-03-16 15:02 浏览次数:

Vol.43,No.2  April 25,2016


2.4 GHz频段ZigBee模块射频指标测试方法     夏俊雯  于磊  詹志强 陶卫2

The test methods for RF specification of the ZigBee module on 2.4 GHz frequency band

            Xia Junwen,Yu Lei,Zhan Zhiqiang,Tao Wei


一种新型合页(铰链)智能化检测装置   冯盼盼 曹雅文 唐敏俊 肖其新 张威7

A new type of intelligent detecting device for hinges

                  Feng Panpan,Cao Yawen,Tang Minjun,Xiao Qixin,Zhang Wei


压电加速度计振动激励法和冲击激励法校准的比较     潘良明  刘一  胡红波10

Comparison of vibration excitation method and shock excitation method for piezoelectric accelerometer calibration

                                            Pan Liangming,Liu Yi,Hu Hongbo


一种新的氨气检测报警仪                                邓丽芬   袁若浩13

A new ammonia alarm detector                       Deng Lifen,Yuan Ruohao


颜色测量和中文命名                                 高晓天 石红 滕越16

Color measurement and Chinese color nomenclature   Gao Xiaotian,Shi Hong,Ten Yue



于瑞祥  姜阳  董翊  高艳秋  黄海星  于志强  陈鹰20

Determination of hexafluoroethane and octafluoropropane in pure tetrafluoromethane by GC/MS   

Yu RuixiangJiang YangDong YiGao YanqiuHuang HaixingYu ZhiqiangChen Ying


噪声系数分析仪自动校准系统                    滕玉龙  沈菊霞  黄玉珲23

An automatic calibration system for noise figure analyzers  

 Teng YulongShen JuxiaHuang Yuhui


绝缘油介电强度测试仪校准装置                          韦建   潘宝祥26

A calibration device for insulating oil dielectric strength testers  

Wei JianPan Baoxiang


热变形及维卡软化点温度测试仪温度参数在线校准方法              符堃29

Online calibration methods for temperature parameters of the HDT & VICAT instrument 

                                                            Fu Kun


XRF技术在环境监测中的应用                                   张旭升(32)

Application of XRF technology in environmental monitoring

                                                          Zhang Xusheng


臭氧老化试验箱中臭氧浓度的检测方法    张爱亮  蔡泽仁  施禅臻  李亚飞  顾玲玲(35)

The methods of testing the ozone concentration in ozone test chambers

                Zhang Ailiang,Cai Zeren,Shi Chanzhen,Li Yafei,Gu Lingling


轻载降频模式与传统PWM模式在36 W反激式开关电源效率测试中的比较

            王 磊  金善益  孙君颖(38)

The comparison of light load frequency down mode and traditional PWM mode in the efficiency test of 36 W flyback switching mode power supplies                

Wang Lei,Jin Shanyi,Sun Junying


标准ANSI C63.4-2014新要求                        刘麒  周海贝 蒋玉妹(42)

New requirements of ANSI C63.4-2014          Liu Qi,Zhou Haibei,Jiang Yumei


圆柱外螺纹单一中径精确公式与近似公式的计算结果对比      张姗姗 王健47

The comparison of calculation results by the precise and approximate formula for single pitch diameter of external cylindrical threads

                                                Zhang Shanshan,Wang Jian


基于激光多普勒原理风速校准中的示踪粒子                 杨伟浩 于志强 刘悦(50)

Discussion of tracer particles in velocity calibration based on laser Doppler principle

                               Yang Weihao,Yu Zhiqiang,Liu Yue


侧规法检测螺纹环规单一中径方法的优化                           郭艳灵(52)

Optimization of the lateral mass method for measuring single pitch diameters of thread ring gauges

                                             Guo Yanling


开展眼科A型超声诊断仪检定工作的可能性                        赵智慧54

Discussion on probability of verification in A mode ultrasonic biometer for ophtalmology 

                                             Zhao Zhihui


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第十一讲:前叉                       倪新珉(57)

Feature control frame indication 11Front fork                    Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第十二讲:轴辊                      倪新珉(59)

Feature control frame indication 12Beam barrel                  Ni Xinmin


实验室不符合项的整改                                           忻婕(62)

Corrective action for Lab Non-conforming work                    Xin Jie


提高装备伴随计量保障的能力          汤宫民   梁清果   汤潇奕   乔晋崴(64)

Discussion on improving the capability for equipment following metrology support

                     Tang Gongmin,Liang Qingguo,Tang Xiaoyi,Qiao Jinwei


公文                                                             (67-73)

商情                                                             (74-76)

投稿须知                                                         77-78

扉页 计量动态  国家质检总局计量司司长谢军调研上海产业计量工作

扉页 计量动态  2016年上海市计量工作会议召开

53   计量动态  4项科研成果喜获“上海市科技进步奖”

73   新产品介绍  福禄克中文标识正式发布













时间: 2017 -03 -16

Vol.43,No.2  April 25,2016


2.4 GHz频段ZigBee模块射频指标测试方法     夏俊雯  于磊  詹志强 陶卫2

The test methods for RF specification of the ZigBee module on 2.4 GHz frequency band

            Xia Junwen,Yu Lei,Zhan Zhiqiang,Tao Wei


一种新型合页(铰链)智能化检测装置   冯盼盼 曹雅文 唐敏俊 肖其新 张威7

A new type of intelligent detecting device for hinges

                  Feng Panpan,Cao Yawen,Tang Minjun,Xiao Qixin,Zhang Wei


压电加速度计振动激励法和冲击激励法校准的比较     潘良明  刘一  胡红波10

Comparison of vibration excitation method and shock excitation method for piezoelectric accelerometer calibration

                                            Pan Liangming,Liu Yi,Hu Hongbo


一种新的氨气检测报警仪                                邓丽芬   袁若浩13

A new ammonia alarm detector                       Deng Lifen,Yuan Ruohao


颜色测量和中文命名                                 高晓天 石红 滕越16

Color measurement and Chinese color nomenclature   Gao Xiaotian,Shi Hong,Ten Yue



于瑞祥  姜阳  董翊  高艳秋  黄海星  于志强  陈鹰20

Determination of hexafluoroethane and octafluoropropane in pure tetrafluoromethane by GC/MS   

Yu RuixiangJiang YangDong YiGao YanqiuHuang HaixingYu ZhiqiangChen Ying


噪声系数分析仪自动校准系统                    滕玉龙  沈菊霞  黄玉珲23

An automatic calibration system for noise figure analyzers  

 Teng YulongShen JuxiaHuang Yuhui


绝缘油介电强度测试仪校准装置                          韦建   潘宝祥26

A calibration device for insulating oil dielectric strength testers  

Wei JianPan Baoxiang


热变形及维卡软化点温度测试仪温度参数在线校准方法              符堃29

Online calibration methods for temperature parameters of the HDT & VICAT instrument 

                                                            Fu Kun


XRF技术在环境监测中的应用                                   张旭升(32)

Application of XRF technology in environmental monitoring

                                                          Zhang Xusheng


臭氧老化试验箱中臭氧浓度的检测方法    张爱亮  蔡泽仁  施禅臻  李亚飞  顾玲玲(35)

The methods of testing the ozone concentration in ozone test chambers

                Zhang Ailiang,Cai Zeren,Shi Chanzhen,Li Yafei,Gu Lingling


轻载降频模式与传统PWM模式在36 W反激式开关电源效率测试中的比较

            王 磊  金善益  孙君颖(38)

The comparison of light load frequency down mode and traditional PWM mode in the efficiency test of 36 W flyback switching mode power supplies                

Wang Lei,Jin Shanyi,Sun Junying


标准ANSI C63.4-2014新要求                        刘麒  周海贝 蒋玉妹(42)

New requirements of ANSI C63.4-2014          Liu Qi,Zhou Haibei,Jiang Yumei


圆柱外螺纹单一中径精确公式与近似公式的计算结果对比      张姗姗 王健47

The comparison of calculation results by the precise and approximate formula for single pitch diameter of external cylindrical threads

                                                Zhang Shanshan,Wang Jian


基于激光多普勒原理风速校准中的示踪粒子                 杨伟浩 于志强 刘悦(50)

Discussion of tracer particles in velocity calibration based on laser Doppler principle

                               Yang Weihao,Yu Zhiqiang,Liu Yue


侧规法检测螺纹环规单一中径方法的优化                           郭艳灵(52)

Optimization of the lateral mass method for measuring single pitch diameters of thread ring gauges

                                             Guo Yanling


开展眼科A型超声诊断仪检定工作的可能性                        赵智慧54

Discussion on probability of verification in A mode ultrasonic biometer for ophtalmology 

                                             Zhao Zhihui


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第十一讲:前叉                       倪新珉(57)

Feature control frame indication 11Front fork                    Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第十二讲:轴辊                      倪新珉(59)

Feature control frame indication 12Beam barrel                  Ni Xinmin


实验室不符合项的整改                                           忻婕(62)

Corrective action for Lab Non-conforming work                    Xin Jie


提高装备伴随计量保障的能力          汤宫民   梁清果   汤潇奕   乔晋崴(64)

Discussion on improving the capability for equipment following metrology support

                     Tang Gongmin,Liang Qingguo,Tang Xiaoyi,Qiao Jinwei


公文                                                             (67-73)

商情                                                             (74-76)

投稿须知                                                         77-78

扉页 计量动态  国家质检总局计量司司长谢军调研上海产业计量工作

扉页 计量动态  2016年上海市计量工作会议召开

53   计量动态  4项科研成果喜获“上海市科技进步奖”

73   新产品介绍  福禄克中文标识正式发布












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