> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2016年
发布日期:2017-03-16 15:47 浏览次数:

Vol.43,No.3  June25,2016


美国计量管理制度                                 宋健  刘刚  张忠立2

The metrological management system in America   Song Jian, Liu Gang, Zhang Zhongli


RFID测试仪调制指数测量方法              于磊  夏俊雯  詹志强  陶卫5

Measurement method of modulation index for RFID testers

                                  Yu Lei,Xia Junwen,Zhan Zhiqiang,Tao Wei


固定式环境γ辐射监测及其量值溯源   何林锋  赵超  陆小军  徐一鹤  陈建新9

Fixed environmental gamma radiation monitoring and its traceability         

 He Linfeng, Zhao Chao, Lu Xiaojun, Xu Yihe, Chen Jianxin



                                           赵迎晨  梁晶  毛森  冯帅博12

An evaluation method for the detection limit of triple quadrupole gas chromatography-mass spectrometrys                      

 Zhao Yingchen,Liang Jing,Mao Sen,Feng Shuaibo



                                     周莹  杨静  张丽琪  厉艳君  郝萍14

The application of Monte Carlo method in determination of sub-micron scale gold coating thickness

                                    Zhou Ying, Yang Jing, Zhang Liqi, Li Yanjun, Hao Ping


食品中苏丹红检测方法的比较和优化      江晨舟  孙洁敏  张驰中  邵明华18

Comparison and optimization of detection methods for sudan red in foods   

Jiang Chenzhou, Sun Jiemin, Zhang Chizhong, Shao Minghua


高阻的测量方法                    杨冬磊  陈向昀  潘洋  周力任  秦毅25

A measuring method of high resistances    

                   Yang DongleiChen XiangyunPan YangZhou LirenQin Yi


基于数字全息层析的三维测量技术  徐强胜  高瑞翔  房鹤飞  周文静  于瀛洁28

3-D measurement technique based on digital holographic tomography  

Xu QiangshengGao RuixiangFang HefeiZhou WenjinYu Yingjie


流量积算仪密度求取方式对检定结果的影响    钟一峰  谢莉莉  穆志君  周方32

The influence of the steam densities accessed by different ways on verification results of flow integration meters

                                                Zhong Yifeng,Xie Lili,Mu Zhijun,Zhou Fang


车用铝合金零部件气密性检测方法及泄漏率计算             吕金旗  杜一武(34)

Air tightness detecting methods and leakage rate calculation of vehicle aluminum alloy parts

                                                    LüJinqi,Du Yiwu


电信终端设备辐射抗扰度测试方法                                  张亮(37)

Test methods for radiated immunity of telecommunication terminal equipment

                                                              Zhang Liang



蔡泽仁  张爱亮  李亚飞  陈启悦(41)

The applicability of ozone standard gas generators in the verification/calibration of ozone gas analyzers

                                  Cai Zeren ,Zhang Ailiang,Li Yafei, Chen Qiyue


基于蒙特卡洛法的盐溶液密度测量不确定度评估                      朱顺(46)

Evaluation of measurement uncertainty of salt solution density based on Monte Carlo method

                                                     Zhu Shun


非屏蔽线缆间相互耦合对远场辐射发射的影响         王中  马聪聪  马欣49

The influence on far field radiation emission from coupling between unshielded cables

     Wang Zhong,Ma Congcong,Ma Xin


压电陶瓷蜂鸣片测试仪的校准方法                                    王福泉(53)

Calibration method of piezoelectric ceramic buzzer tester          Wang Fuquan


直流电源纹波和噪声的测量                             刘本成  朱宏声(55)

measurement of the ripple and noise of DC power supply

                                             Liu Bencheng,Zhu Hongsheng


手机的3G4G5G(上)                                   詹志强57

Mobile telecommunication technology: 3G, 4G and 5G"Part 1    Zhan Zhiqiang


计量比对组织与实施中需关注的问题                       石红  舒晓莲(60)

Issues in need of attention on the organization and implementation of the measurement comparison

                                   Shi Hong,Shu Xiaolian       


基层质检所产品检测检验费用支出现状及问题                           杜  鹏(62)

Expenditure on primary quality inspection services: the status and problems

                                                            Du Peng


时代变迁中的计量文化                                           姚彩凤(64)

The measurement culture along with changing times                    Yao Caifeng


公文                                                             (66-69)

商情                                                             (70-72)

投稿须知                                                         73-74

扉页 计量动态  陈寅副市长赴上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  全国计量科普知识竞答活动上海赛区正式启动

24   计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院第四届科技节拉开帷幕

48   新产品介绍  福禄克蓄电池内阻测试仪行业应用

61    计量动态  国家认监委副主任董乐群一行来沪调研

63    计量动态  国家质检总局计量司司长谢军来沪调研计量校准工作

69    计量动态  开展法制计量管理专题调研













时间: 2017 -03 -16

Vol.43,No.3  June25,2016


美国计量管理制度                                 宋健  刘刚  张忠立2

The metrological management system in America   Song Jian, Liu Gang, Zhang Zhongli


RFID测试仪调制指数测量方法              于磊  夏俊雯  詹志强  陶卫5

Measurement method of modulation index for RFID testers

                                  Yu Lei,Xia Junwen,Zhan Zhiqiang,Tao Wei


固定式环境γ辐射监测及其量值溯源   何林锋  赵超  陆小军  徐一鹤  陈建新9

Fixed environmental gamma radiation monitoring and its traceability         

 He Linfeng, Zhao Chao, Lu Xiaojun, Xu Yihe, Chen Jianxin



                                           赵迎晨  梁晶  毛森  冯帅博12

An evaluation method for the detection limit of triple quadrupole gas chromatography-mass spectrometrys                      

 Zhao Yingchen,Liang Jing,Mao Sen,Feng Shuaibo



                                     周莹  杨静  张丽琪  厉艳君  郝萍14

The application of Monte Carlo method in determination of sub-micron scale gold coating thickness

                                    Zhou Ying, Yang Jing, Zhang Liqi, Li Yanjun, Hao Ping


食品中苏丹红检测方法的比较和优化      江晨舟  孙洁敏  张驰中  邵明华18

Comparison and optimization of detection methods for sudan red in foods   

Jiang Chenzhou, Sun Jiemin, Zhang Chizhong, Shao Minghua


高阻的测量方法                    杨冬磊  陈向昀  潘洋  周力任  秦毅25

A measuring method of high resistances    

                   Yang DongleiChen XiangyunPan YangZhou LirenQin Yi


基于数字全息层析的三维测量技术  徐强胜  高瑞翔  房鹤飞  周文静  于瀛洁28

3-D measurement technique based on digital holographic tomography  

Xu QiangshengGao RuixiangFang HefeiZhou WenjinYu Yingjie


流量积算仪密度求取方式对检定结果的影响    钟一峰  谢莉莉  穆志君  周方32

The influence of the steam densities accessed by different ways on verification results of flow integration meters

                                                Zhong Yifeng,Xie Lili,Mu Zhijun,Zhou Fang


车用铝合金零部件气密性检测方法及泄漏率计算             吕金旗  杜一武(34)

Air tightness detecting methods and leakage rate calculation of vehicle aluminum alloy parts

                                                    LüJinqi,Du Yiwu


电信终端设备辐射抗扰度测试方法                                  张亮(37)

Test methods for radiated immunity of telecommunication terminal equipment

                                                              Zhang Liang



蔡泽仁  张爱亮  李亚飞  陈启悦(41)

The applicability of ozone standard gas generators in the verification/calibration of ozone gas analyzers

                                  Cai Zeren ,Zhang Ailiang,Li Yafei, Chen Qiyue


基于蒙特卡洛法的盐溶液密度测量不确定度评估                      朱顺(46)

Evaluation of measurement uncertainty of salt solution density based on Monte Carlo method

                                                     Zhu Shun


非屏蔽线缆间相互耦合对远场辐射发射的影响         王中  马聪聪  马欣49

The influence on far field radiation emission from coupling between unshielded cables

     Wang Zhong,Ma Congcong,Ma Xin


压电陶瓷蜂鸣片测试仪的校准方法                                    王福泉(53)

Calibration method of piezoelectric ceramic buzzer tester          Wang Fuquan


直流电源纹波和噪声的测量                             刘本成  朱宏声(55)

measurement of the ripple and noise of DC power supply

                                             Liu Bencheng,Zhu Hongsheng


手机的3G4G5G(上)                                   詹志强57

Mobile telecommunication technology: 3G, 4G and 5G"Part 1    Zhan Zhiqiang


计量比对组织与实施中需关注的问题                       石红  舒晓莲(60)

Issues in need of attention on the organization and implementation of the measurement comparison

                                   Shi Hong,Shu Xiaolian       


基层质检所产品检测检验费用支出现状及问题                           杜  鹏(62)

Expenditure on primary quality inspection services: the status and problems

                                                            Du Peng


时代变迁中的计量文化                                           姚彩凤(64)

The measurement culture along with changing times                    Yao Caifeng


公文                                                             (66-69)

商情                                                             (70-72)

投稿须知                                                         73-74

扉页 计量动态  陈寅副市长赴上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  全国计量科普知识竞答活动上海赛区正式启动

24   计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院第四届科技节拉开帷幕

48   新产品介绍  福禄克蓄电池内阻测试仪行业应用

61    计量动态  国家认监委副主任董乐群一行来沪调研

63    计量动态  国家质检总局计量司司长谢军来沪调研计量校准工作

69    计量动态  开展法制计量管理专题调研












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