> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2016年
发布日期:2017-03-16 16:09 浏览次数:

Vol.43,No.5  October 25,2016


利用X射线荧光能谱仪快速鉴别充填处理和优化处理宝石的方法    戴珏 汤红云2

Rapid identification method of filling and optimization treated gems by X- ray fluorescence spectrometer

                                                   Dai Jue,Tang Hongyun


安卓手机在电梯加速度测量中的应用                        孙玉国  勾灿5

Application of android mobile phone in the acceleration measurement of elevators

                                                   Sun Yuguo,Gou Can


电磁兼容试验中卫星信号覆盖技术研究与实现        吴佳欢  舒晓莲  田禾箐7

Research and implementation of satellite signal coverage technique in electromagnetic compatibility testing

                                    Wu Jiahuan,Shu Xiaolian,Tian Heqing


消声室自由场的鉴定                                             吴云12

Discussion on the identification of free field in the Anechoic Room        Wu Yun


空分气体中油分的定量方法                           姜阳  于瑞祥  董翊15

A quantitative method for determination of oil content in air separation gas

Jiang Yang,Yu Ruixiang,Dong Yi


表面粗糙度信号的统计误差特征分析                             王焕玲18

The analysis of statistical error signal characteristics of the surface roughnesssignal

                                                          Wang Huanling


数据采集系统通道间串扰的测试和评价方法               肖天雷  龚文彬23

Test and evaluation method of channel-to-channel crosstalk in data acquisition systems

                            Xiao TianleiGong Wenbin


用快速测汞仪测定合成树酯乳液内墙涂料中有害物质中的汞含量    徐万秀25

Determination of mercury content in synthetic resin emulsion interior wall coating with quick mercury meters

                                            Xu Wanxiu


分光光度法实验室水质色度测定仪校准方法                       李智玮(28)

A calibration method of laboratory water colorimeters based on spectrophotometry

                                      Li Zhiwei


纤维增强塑料密度测定的能力验证    郑素萍  王从科  张霞  郑会保  李金鹿  凡丽梅  赵付宝  董方旭(31)

Proficiency testing study for density determination of the fiber reinforced plastic

Zheng Suping,Wang Congke,Zhang Xia,Zheng Huibao,Li Jinlu,Fan Limei,Zhao Fubao,Dong Fangxu


质量和重量对转子不平衡量的影响               瞿潮庆  孙桂清  郭卫建(35)

The influence of mass and weight on the unbalance of rotor

Qu Chaoqing,Sun Guiqing,Guo Weijian


基于LabVIEW的通用型气体质量流量计数据采集系统      马力  陈超  刘夷平  秦亭亭(37)

An universal data acquisition system of gas mass flowmeters based on LabVIEW

                                 Ma Li,Chen Chao,Liu Yiping,Qin Tingting


提高电力线载波通信可靠性的方法              黄洪  邵强  徐睿  姜苏娜40

Methods for improving the reliability of power line carrier communication

Huang Hong,Shao Qiang,Xu Rui,Jiang Suna


基于三天线法测量对数周期天线的天线系数      缪轶  陈超婵  桑昱  朱建刚  左建生(43)

The measurement of antenna factor for log periodic antenna based on SSM

Miao Yi,Chen Chaochan,Sang Yu,Zhu Jiangang,Zuo Jiansheng


接地导通电阻测试国家标准要求及对JJG 984-2004的探讨性建议    陈建志(46)

Test Standards for Earth-Continuity testers and discuss for JJG 984-2004

                                                       Chen Jianzhi


TG328A型机械天平常见故障及调修                              徐佳杰(48)

Common faults and repair of TG328A type mechanical balance       Xu Jiajie


血液黏度计的常见故障排除与日常维护保养                         牛 琪(52)

Common troubleshooting of blood viscosity meter and daily maintenance

                                                                Niu Qi


浮标式氧气吸入器检定过程中的注意事项            金红  沈艳  朱海东(54)

The matters needing attention with verification process of Buoy Type Oxygen Inhaler according

                                          Jin Hong,Shen Yan,Zhu Haidong


信息综合大楼防雷接地的种类及作用                 张毅  蒯翀  杨冬磊55

Analysis on the types and functions of lightning protection and grounding of information integrated building

                                  Zhang Yi,Kuai Chong,Yang Donglei


定型机导热油炉供热改造后的节能评价                            陈邵有(58)

Evaluation of energy conservation and economic benefits on changing stereotypes heating by oil furnace into central Heating

                                                          Chen Shaoyou


公共机构能源资源实时采集系统                     冯玉辉  李杰  尹遵义(60)

Real time collection system of energy resources in public institutions

                                               Feng Yuhui,Li Jie,Yin Zunyi


完善医疗机构医学计量管理                                      李承君(62)

Research on improving the medical metrology management in hospital   Li Chengjun


面向新兴产业计量服务体系网络平台建设                         林永波(64)

Research on building of new industries metrology in economic sectors-oriented service system network platform

                                                        Lin Yongbo


公文                                                             (68-71)

商情                                                             (72-74)


扉页 计量动态  上海市人大常委会来上海市计量测试技术研究院开展检验检测立法调

扉页 计量动态  2016年度长三角计量工作会议在苏州召开

22    计量动态 上海市质量技术监督局与国网上海电力签订电力能耗数据共享框架协议

34    计量动态  ISO/TC 213第41届全会及工作组国际会议顺利闭幕

39    计量动态 华东地区辐射测温仪表学术交流会成功举办

45   新产品介绍  ConST810全球首发震撼上市













时间: 2017 -03 -16

Vol.43,No.5  October 25,2016


利用X射线荧光能谱仪快速鉴别充填处理和优化处理宝石的方法    戴珏 汤红云2

Rapid identification method of filling and optimization treated gems by X- ray fluorescence spectrometer

                                                   Dai Jue,Tang Hongyun


安卓手机在电梯加速度测量中的应用                        孙玉国  勾灿5

Application of android mobile phone in the acceleration measurement of elevators

                                                   Sun Yuguo,Gou Can


电磁兼容试验中卫星信号覆盖技术研究与实现        吴佳欢  舒晓莲  田禾箐7

Research and implementation of satellite signal coverage technique in electromagnetic compatibility testing

                                    Wu Jiahuan,Shu Xiaolian,Tian Heqing


消声室自由场的鉴定                                             吴云12

Discussion on the identification of free field in the Anechoic Room        Wu Yun


空分气体中油分的定量方法                           姜阳  于瑞祥  董翊15

A quantitative method for determination of oil content in air separation gas

Jiang Yang,Yu Ruixiang,Dong Yi


表面粗糙度信号的统计误差特征分析                             王焕玲18

The analysis of statistical error signal characteristics of the surface roughnesssignal

                                                          Wang Huanling


数据采集系统通道间串扰的测试和评价方法               肖天雷  龚文彬23

Test and evaluation method of channel-to-channel crosstalk in data acquisition systems

                            Xiao TianleiGong Wenbin


用快速测汞仪测定合成树酯乳液内墙涂料中有害物质中的汞含量    徐万秀25

Determination of mercury content in synthetic resin emulsion interior wall coating with quick mercury meters

                                            Xu Wanxiu


分光光度法实验室水质色度测定仪校准方法                       李智玮(28)

A calibration method of laboratory water colorimeters based on spectrophotometry

                                      Li Zhiwei


纤维增强塑料密度测定的能力验证    郑素萍  王从科  张霞  郑会保  李金鹿  凡丽梅  赵付宝  董方旭(31)

Proficiency testing study for density determination of the fiber reinforced plastic

Zheng Suping,Wang Congke,Zhang Xia,Zheng Huibao,Li Jinlu,Fan Limei,Zhao Fubao,Dong Fangxu


质量和重量对转子不平衡量的影响               瞿潮庆  孙桂清  郭卫建(35)

The influence of mass and weight on the unbalance of rotor

Qu Chaoqing,Sun Guiqing,Guo Weijian


基于LabVIEW的通用型气体质量流量计数据采集系统      马力  陈超  刘夷平  秦亭亭(37)

An universal data acquisition system of gas mass flowmeters based on LabVIEW

                                 Ma Li,Chen Chao,Liu Yiping,Qin Tingting


提高电力线载波通信可靠性的方法              黄洪  邵强  徐睿  姜苏娜40

Methods for improving the reliability of power line carrier communication

Huang Hong,Shao Qiang,Xu Rui,Jiang Suna


基于三天线法测量对数周期天线的天线系数      缪轶  陈超婵  桑昱  朱建刚  左建生(43)

The measurement of antenna factor for log periodic antenna based on SSM

Miao Yi,Chen Chaochan,Sang Yu,Zhu Jiangang,Zuo Jiansheng


接地导通电阻测试国家标准要求及对JJG 984-2004的探讨性建议    陈建志(46)

Test Standards for Earth-Continuity testers and discuss for JJG 984-2004

                                                       Chen Jianzhi


TG328A型机械天平常见故障及调修                              徐佳杰(48)

Common faults and repair of TG328A type mechanical balance       Xu Jiajie


血液黏度计的常见故障排除与日常维护保养                         牛 琪(52)

Common troubleshooting of blood viscosity meter and daily maintenance

                                                                Niu Qi


浮标式氧气吸入器检定过程中的注意事项            金红  沈艳  朱海东(54)

The matters needing attention with verification process of Buoy Type Oxygen Inhaler according

                                          Jin Hong,Shen Yan,Zhu Haidong


信息综合大楼防雷接地的种类及作用                 张毅  蒯翀  杨冬磊55

Analysis on the types and functions of lightning protection and grounding of information integrated building

                                  Zhang Yi,Kuai Chong,Yang Donglei


定型机导热油炉供热改造后的节能评价                            陈邵有(58)

Evaluation of energy conservation and economic benefits on changing stereotypes heating by oil furnace into central Heating

                                                          Chen Shaoyou


公共机构能源资源实时采集系统                     冯玉辉  李杰  尹遵义(60)

Real time collection system of energy resources in public institutions

                                               Feng Yuhui,Li Jie,Yin Zunyi


完善医疗机构医学计量管理                                      李承君(62)

Research on improving the medical metrology management in hospital   Li Chengjun


面向新兴产业计量服务体系网络平台建设                         林永波(64)

Research on building of new industries metrology in economic sectors-oriented service system network platform

                                                        Lin Yongbo


公文                                                             (68-71)

商情                                                             (72-74)


扉页 计量动态  上海市人大常委会来上海市计量测试技术研究院开展检验检测立法调

扉页 计量动态  2016年度长三角计量工作会议在苏州召开

22    计量动态 上海市质量技术监督局与国网上海电力签订电力能耗数据共享框架协议

34    计量动态  ISO/TC 213第41届全会及工作组国际会议顺利闭幕

39    计量动态 华东地区辐射测温仪表学术交流会成功举办

45   新产品介绍  ConST810全球首发震撼上市












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