> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2016年
发布日期:2017-03-16 16:16 浏览次数:


Vol.43,No.6  December 25,2016


智能化转速表校准方法                                          刘新兰2

Calibration method of intelligent tachometers                     Liu Xinlan


基于FPGA的旋转机械振动数据采集系统       金路  言思敏  曾宪钰  陈功5

Data acquisition system of rotating machinery vibration based on FPGA

                               Jin Lu,Yan Simin,Zeng Xianyu,Chen Gong


拉曼光谱液体样品检测过程的标准化设计与影响因素分析               张人9

Standardized design of liquid sample testing process based on Raman spectra and its influencing factors

                                                                      Zhang Ren


烙铁温度计校准装置                                             纪金龙13

Calibration device for iron thermometers                            Ji Jinlong


机动车零部件检测实验室振动试验的内部质量控制方法                 朱顺16

Internal quality control method of vibration test in automotive vehicle component testing laboratory

                                                                      Zhu Shun


锂离子电池洗涤试验的耐受性         王婷婷 陈有余 杨旭 马壮 钱景凌 张红20

The tolerance to washing test of lithium-ion batteries

     Wang TingtingChen YouyuYang XuMa ZhuangQian JinglingZhang Hong


基于机器视觉的电子水平仪自动检定系统                           邢敏剑22

An automatic verification system for electronic levels based on machine vision

                                                             Xing Minjian


弧形接触式表面温度计校准模块的应用             徐含青  林书培  周万里27

Application of calibration modules for arc-shaped contact-type surface thermometer

                                        Xu Hanqing,Lin Shupei,Zhou Wanli


便携式空盒气压表校准装置                陈鑫  杨冬磊  陈庭容  杨京兆(29)

The calibration device of portable aneroid barometers

              ChenXin,Yang Donglei,Chen Tingrong,Yang Jingzhao


基于HT5017芯片的SoC单相智能电表                              徐京生(32)

A single-phase smart electric energy meter based on SoC of HT5017    Xu Jingsheng


测量不确定度在机械检测中的应用                    权转菊  吴玮  王维(37)

Application of measurement uncertainty in machining inspection

Quan Zhuanju,Wu Wei,Wang Wei


基于可信性理论的电能质量模糊综合评估                         姜苏娜(40)

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of electric power quality based on credibility theory

                                                              Jiang Suna


管道结蜡对油品计量误差的影响              赵瑾  宋涛  李国锋  刘亚丽43

The influence of wax deposition in pipelines on metering error of oil

Zhao Jin,Song Tao,Li Guofeng,Liu Yali


医用计量电气设备的漏电流测量                             马建民  钟炜(46)

Measurement for leakage current in medical measuring electrical equipment

Ma Jianmin,Zhong Wei


热能表在计量检定中的常见问题及处理方法                         姚素娜(49)

The common problems and solutions in the metrological verification of heat meter

                                                            Yao Suna


计量确认应由谁来执行                             刘忠奎  王亮  张羽鹏(51)

Research on performing of metrological confirmation

       Liu Zhongkui,Wang Liang,Zhang Yupeng


化学品货物运输条件鉴定安全防范与应急处理          陈黎明  李永利  刘莉(53)

Chemical transport of goods security and emergency treatment

                                             Chen Liming,Li Yongli,Liu Li


建立计量校准实验室项目的风险管理                         林艳   程云斌(56)

The risk management to establish metrology calibration laboratory project

Lin Yan,Cheng Yunbin


检验检测机构设备校准证书的确认                               巫绪康59

Introduction to inspection testing equipment calibration certificate confirmation

Wu Xukang


公文                                                             (61-64)

商情                                                             (65-67)

总目次                                                           68-70

扉页 计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局与复旦大学签署全面战略合作协议

扉页 计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院与南非国家计量院签署合作框架协议

48    计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院与上海交通大学联合培养首批工程硕士生毕业

55    计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导调研环保领域检测工作













时间: 2017 -03 -16


Vol.43,No.6  December 25,2016


智能化转速表校准方法                                          刘新兰2

Calibration method of intelligent tachometers                     Liu Xinlan


基于FPGA的旋转机械振动数据采集系统       金路  言思敏  曾宪钰  陈功5

Data acquisition system of rotating machinery vibration based on FPGA

                               Jin Lu,Yan Simin,Zeng Xianyu,Chen Gong


拉曼光谱液体样品检测过程的标准化设计与影响因素分析               张人9

Standardized design of liquid sample testing process based on Raman spectra and its influencing factors

                                                                      Zhang Ren


烙铁温度计校准装置                                             纪金龙13

Calibration device for iron thermometers                            Ji Jinlong


机动车零部件检测实验室振动试验的内部质量控制方法                 朱顺16

Internal quality control method of vibration test in automotive vehicle component testing laboratory

                                                                      Zhu Shun


锂离子电池洗涤试验的耐受性         王婷婷 陈有余 杨旭 马壮 钱景凌 张红20

The tolerance to washing test of lithium-ion batteries

     Wang TingtingChen YouyuYang XuMa ZhuangQian JinglingZhang Hong


基于机器视觉的电子水平仪自动检定系统                           邢敏剑22

An automatic verification system for electronic levels based on machine vision

                                                             Xing Minjian


弧形接触式表面温度计校准模块的应用             徐含青  林书培  周万里27

Application of calibration modules for arc-shaped contact-type surface thermometer

                                        Xu Hanqing,Lin Shupei,Zhou Wanli


便携式空盒气压表校准装置                陈鑫  杨冬磊  陈庭容  杨京兆(29)

The calibration device of portable aneroid barometers

              ChenXin,Yang Donglei,Chen Tingrong,Yang Jingzhao


基于HT5017芯片的SoC单相智能电表                              徐京生(32)

A single-phase smart electric energy meter based on SoC of HT5017    Xu Jingsheng


测量不确定度在机械检测中的应用                    权转菊  吴玮  王维(37)

Application of measurement uncertainty in machining inspection

Quan Zhuanju,Wu Wei,Wang Wei


基于可信性理论的电能质量模糊综合评估                         姜苏娜(40)

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of electric power quality based on credibility theory

                                                              Jiang Suna


管道结蜡对油品计量误差的影响              赵瑾  宋涛  李国锋  刘亚丽43

The influence of wax deposition in pipelines on metering error of oil

Zhao Jin,Song Tao,Li Guofeng,Liu Yali


医用计量电气设备的漏电流测量                             马建民  钟炜(46)

Measurement for leakage current in medical measuring electrical equipment

Ma Jianmin,Zhong Wei


热能表在计量检定中的常见问题及处理方法                         姚素娜(49)

The common problems and solutions in the metrological verification of heat meter

                                                            Yao Suna


计量确认应由谁来执行                             刘忠奎  王亮  张羽鹏(51)

Research on performing of metrological confirmation

       Liu Zhongkui,Wang Liang,Zhang Yupeng


化学品货物运输条件鉴定安全防范与应急处理          陈黎明  李永利  刘莉(53)

Chemical transport of goods security and emergency treatment

                                             Chen Liming,Li Yongli,Liu Li


建立计量校准实验室项目的风险管理                         林艳   程云斌(56)

The risk management to establish metrology calibration laboratory project

Lin Yan,Cheng Yunbin


检验检测机构设备校准证书的确认                               巫绪康59

Introduction to inspection testing equipment calibration certificate confirmation

Wu Xukang


公文                                                             (61-64)

商情                                                             (65-67)

总目次                                                           68-70

扉页 计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局与复旦大学签署全面战略合作协议

扉页 计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院与南非国家计量院签署合作框架协议

48    计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院与上海交通大学联合培养首批工程硕士生毕业

55    计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导调研环保领域检测工作












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