> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2015年
发布日期:2017-03-06 13:14 浏览次数:

Vol.42,No.2  April 25,2015


激光拉曼光谱仪在优化处理祖母绿鉴定中的应用   陆晓颖 汤红云 涂彩 吕晓瑜2

The application of Raman spectroscopy on identifying optimized and treated Emerald

   Lu Xiaoying,Tang Hongyun,Tu Cai,Lv Xiaoyu


陶瓷地砖滑倒风险评估模型的建立                          李倩 夏美霞 何潇俊6

Establish a risk assessment’s model of ceramic tiles’ slipping

                                                    Li Qian, Xia Meixia, He Xiaojun


无线测温系统在环境试验设备检测中的应用              陈旭 孙力 凌彦萃10

The composition and application of wireless temperature-measuring system

                        Chen Xu, Sun Li, Ling Yancui


球形金属罐的计量特性与检测方法                                     刘苏荣13

On metrological characteristics and measurement of the spherical metal tank

                                                                 Liu Surong


侧壁式超声波液位计校准装置                     张芃  章天霈  胡安伦17

Study on the calibration equipment for sidewall ultrasonic level meter

                                            Zhang Peng,Zhang Tianpei,Hu Anlun


测长仪小测钩错位对内尺寸测量的影响及解决办法                 焦燕萍20

Effect and solutions of small hooks dislocation of length measuring instrument

 on inside dimension measurement                           Jiao Yanping


食品中重金属元素的检测方法     陈黎明 蔡畅 朱力敏 薛韧婕 薛民杰 陈鹰23

Detection method of heavy metal elements in food    

Chen LimingCai ChangZhu LiminXue RenjieXue MinjieChen Ying


汽车转向角检验台检定装置角度参数的校准                   朱绯红   杨华26

The calibration of the angle parameters of verification device

 of automobile turning angle tester                      Zhu feihong, Yang hua


三点等区间搜索法在频谱分析仪分辨力带宽自动校准中的应用        吴佳欢  朱建刚  王震涛28

Application of three equal interval dividing search algorithms

in automatic calibration of RBW in spectrum analyzer

                                                Wu Jiahuan,Zhu Jiangang,Wang Zhentao


微波消解与ICP-AES联用测定糖果以及蜜饯中滑石粉的含量             沈君璐 顾锦明 杨晶晶(30)

Use microwave digestion and ICP-AES to measure the talcum powder content

 in candy and sweetmeat                        Shen Junlu,Gu Jinming,Yang Jingjing


机动车MEMS压力传感器电磁兼容测试                                 陈得民(34)

The EMC test of car MEMS pressure sensor                    Chen Demin


优化方法和最优控制在力标准机控制系统中的应用        虞跃凌 胡潇寅 康张宜(38)

Optimization and optimal control in the control system of force standard machine

                                                 Yu Yueling,Hu Xiaoyin,Kang Zhangyi


开关电源电磁兼容性试验问题及整改                              丁华41

The analyse of electromagnetic compatibility test to Switching power supply  and rectification

                                                           Ding Hua


标准补偿式微压计技术改造的验证方法                  李海兵  卓华  陈武卿(43)

The discussion of standard compensated micro-manometer with technical transformation

                                                Li Haibing, Zhuo Hua, Chen Wuqing


城市轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)检测要点           陈燕澄   杨妮46

Detection point of automation fare collection system of urban rail transit

                                                Chen Yancheng,Yang Ni


金银首饰店应配备合适的电子天平并正确使用                            李伟(48)

Gold and silver jewelry shop should be equipped with the appropriate

 and correct use of electronic balance                               Li Wei


电子电气产品接地电阻测试要点解析                             王婷婷49

The key points of the earthing resistance test of the electrical and electronic products

    Wang Tingting


折算质量对活塞式压力计专用砝码的影响          张振彦 冯齐斌 张丽萍(51)

The effect of conventional value on mass of piston gauge

                                          Zhang Zhenyan,Feng Qibin,Zhang Liping


长度计量基础知识讲座 第五十一讲:齿轮测量基础              顾耀宗(53)

Length metrology knowledge lecture51Basic of gear measurement   Gu Yaozong


智能电能表与用户月电费增加的关系              沈明炎  方来杭  肖娜丽(55)

Research on the relationship between civil smart meter and monthly electricity bill

                                          Shen Mingyan,Fang Laihang,Xiao Nali


JJG 705-2014液相色谱仪检定规程解读        李萌 蒲玲 张婧瑜 王鹏 唐浩 张佳仁(59)

Comprehension for JJG 705-2014 verification regulation of liquid chromatography 

                       Li Meng, Pu Ling, Zhang Jingyu, Wang Peng, Tang Hao, Zhang Jiaren


新旧离子色谱仪计量检定规程的差异                            卓文钦(61)

The discuss on the differences between old and new verification regulation

 of ion chromatograph                                 Zhuo Wenqin


完善装备计量接口,实现在线计量保障                               周建童(63)

Improve equipment measurement interface, realize the online measurement of security

                              ‍                         Zhou Jiantong


英国政府化学家实验室研究动态                                  任 昀(65)

Research trends of The UK Government Chemist Laboratory          Ren Yun

公文                                                             (67-71)

商情                                                             (72-74)

扉页 计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院荣获第四届全国文明单位称号

扉页 计量动态  国家城市能源计量中心(上海)顺利通过国家质检总局验收

扉页 计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导调研电力计量管理工作

52   计量动态  国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项 “跨尺度微纳米测量仪的开发和应用”项目启动

62   新产品介绍  开启无限红外应用——福禄克发布专家级红外热像仪















时间: 2017 -03 -06

Vol.42,No.2  April 25,2015


激光拉曼光谱仪在优化处理祖母绿鉴定中的应用   陆晓颖 汤红云 涂彩 吕晓瑜2

The application of Raman spectroscopy on identifying optimized and treated Emerald

   Lu Xiaoying,Tang Hongyun,Tu Cai,Lv Xiaoyu


陶瓷地砖滑倒风险评估模型的建立                          李倩 夏美霞 何潇俊6

Establish a risk assessment’s model of ceramic tiles’ slipping

                                                    Li Qian, Xia Meixia, He Xiaojun


无线测温系统在环境试验设备检测中的应用              陈旭 孙力 凌彦萃10

The composition and application of wireless temperature-measuring system

                        Chen Xu, Sun Li, Ling Yancui


球形金属罐的计量特性与检测方法                                     刘苏荣13

On metrological characteristics and measurement of the spherical metal tank

                                                                 Liu Surong


侧壁式超声波液位计校准装置                     张芃  章天霈  胡安伦17

Study on the calibration equipment for sidewall ultrasonic level meter

                                            Zhang Peng,Zhang Tianpei,Hu Anlun


测长仪小测钩错位对内尺寸测量的影响及解决办法                 焦燕萍20

Effect and solutions of small hooks dislocation of length measuring instrument

 on inside dimension measurement                           Jiao Yanping


食品中重金属元素的检测方法     陈黎明 蔡畅 朱力敏 薛韧婕 薛民杰 陈鹰23

Detection method of heavy metal elements in food    

Chen LimingCai ChangZhu LiminXue RenjieXue MinjieChen Ying


汽车转向角检验台检定装置角度参数的校准                   朱绯红   杨华26

The calibration of the angle parameters of verification device

 of automobile turning angle tester                      Zhu feihong, Yang hua


三点等区间搜索法在频谱分析仪分辨力带宽自动校准中的应用        吴佳欢  朱建刚  王震涛28

Application of three equal interval dividing search algorithms

in automatic calibration of RBW in spectrum analyzer

                                                Wu Jiahuan,Zhu Jiangang,Wang Zhentao


微波消解与ICP-AES联用测定糖果以及蜜饯中滑石粉的含量             沈君璐 顾锦明 杨晶晶(30)

Use microwave digestion and ICP-AES to measure the talcum powder content

 in candy and sweetmeat                        Shen Junlu,Gu Jinming,Yang Jingjing


机动车MEMS压力传感器电磁兼容测试                                 陈得民(34)

The EMC test of car MEMS pressure sensor                    Chen Demin


优化方法和最优控制在力标准机控制系统中的应用        虞跃凌 胡潇寅 康张宜(38)

Optimization and optimal control in the control system of force standard machine

                                                 Yu Yueling,Hu Xiaoyin,Kang Zhangyi


开关电源电磁兼容性试验问题及整改                              丁华41

The analyse of electromagnetic compatibility test to Switching power supply  and rectification

                                                           Ding Hua


标准补偿式微压计技术改造的验证方法                  李海兵  卓华  陈武卿(43)

The discussion of standard compensated micro-manometer with technical transformation

                                                Li Haibing, Zhuo Hua, Chen Wuqing


城市轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)检测要点           陈燕澄   杨妮46

Detection point of automation fare collection system of urban rail transit

                                                Chen Yancheng,Yang Ni


金银首饰店应配备合适的电子天平并正确使用                            李伟(48)

Gold and silver jewelry shop should be equipped with the appropriate

 and correct use of electronic balance                               Li Wei


电子电气产品接地电阻测试要点解析                             王婷婷49

The key points of the earthing resistance test of the electrical and electronic products

    Wang Tingting


折算质量对活塞式压力计专用砝码的影响          张振彦 冯齐斌 张丽萍(51)

The effect of conventional value on mass of piston gauge

                                          Zhang Zhenyan,Feng Qibin,Zhang Liping


长度计量基础知识讲座 第五十一讲:齿轮测量基础              顾耀宗(53)

Length metrology knowledge lecture51Basic of gear measurement   Gu Yaozong


智能电能表与用户月电费增加的关系              沈明炎  方来杭  肖娜丽(55)

Research on the relationship between civil smart meter and monthly electricity bill

                                          Shen Mingyan,Fang Laihang,Xiao Nali


JJG 705-2014液相色谱仪检定规程解读        李萌 蒲玲 张婧瑜 王鹏 唐浩 张佳仁(59)

Comprehension for JJG 705-2014 verification regulation of liquid chromatography 

                       Li Meng, Pu Ling, Zhang Jingyu, Wang Peng, Tang Hao, Zhang Jiaren


新旧离子色谱仪计量检定规程的差异                            卓文钦(61)

The discuss on the differences between old and new verification regulation

 of ion chromatograph                                 Zhuo Wenqin


完善装备计量接口,实现在线计量保障                               周建童(63)

Improve equipment measurement interface, realize the online measurement of security

                              ‍                         Zhou Jiantong


英国政府化学家实验室研究动态                                  任 昀(65)

Research trends of The UK Government Chemist Laboratory          Ren Yun

公文                                                             (67-71)

商情                                                             (72-74)

扉页 计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院荣获第四届全国文明单位称号

扉页 计量动态  国家城市能源计量中心(上海)顺利通过国家质检总局验收

扉页 计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导调研电力计量管理工作

52   计量动态  国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项 “跨尺度微纳米测量仪的开发和应用”项目启动

62   新产品介绍  开启无限红外应用——福禄克发布专家级红外热像仪














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