> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2015年
发布日期:2017-03-06 13:48 浏览次数:

Vol.42,No.3  June 25,2015


中国古玉器(商-汉)的分类及特征               奚波  陆晓颖  钱伟吉  吕晓瑜2

Classification and characteristics of China's ancient jade (Shang-Han Dynasty)

Xi Bo,Lu Xiaoying,Qian Weiji,Lv Xiaoyu


冬季乘用车车内空气污染物及其释放规律                               李倩  何潇俊6

Research on the air pollution inside saloon car and its release in winter

                                                                    Li Qian, He Xiaojun


大型平直类量具在线自动化检定装置                         陈浩   马浩慧   谢燮10

Research on the automatic verification device of large straight measuring tools

                                  Cheng Hao,Ma Haohui,Xie Xie


利用热重分析仪研究链条锅炉燃烧用煤特性                                   姚志鹏14

For the combustion of coal properties by means of thermogravimetric analysis of chain boiler

                                                           Yao Zhipeng


移动基线的设计和应用                                 马建敏  刘芳芳  张波  郭志敏17

Design and application of removable baseline

                                         Ma Jianmin,Liu Fangfang,Zhang Bo,Guo Zhimin


用模拟退火算法拟合铂电阻的热特性曲线       张佳仁 张婧瑜 王鹏 张建忠20

The explore to fit RTD characteristic curve by Simulated annealing algorithm

                                  Zhang jiaren, Zhang jinyu, Wang peng, Zhang jianzhong


半导体级高纯氨水中痕量杂质元素的检测               陈黎明   应劼   张笑旻23

Determination of impurities in semiconductor grade ammonia      

                                                  Chen LimingYing jieZhang Xiaomin


卫浴产品耐荷重性智能化检测装置              曹雅文 肖其新 唐敏俊 李鑫犇25

A set of device about load resistance intelligent detection for bathroom products

                     Cao Yawen, Xiao Qixin, Tang Minjun, Li Xinben


高速生产线产品传送速度的在线校准方法                           肖天雷28

Online calibration method for product conveying speed on high-speed production line

 Xiao Tianlei


阿贝折射仪的影响因素                                  徐聪恩(31)

a brief analysis of impact on Abbe refractometer

                                                        Xu Congen


影响超声热量表流量检定结果的因素                  朱锐   亚力坤   王鹏(34)

Influence factors of flow verification of ultrasonic heat meter           

                                           Zhu Rui,Ya Likun,Wang Peng


二氧化硅标准溶液的配制及其不确定度评定         白静  段嫚雷  夏娃  丁敏(36)

Uncertainty evaluation of the preparation of the silicon dioxide standard solution            

                                              Bai Jing, Duan Manlei, Xia Wa, Ding Min

酚二磺酸光度法测定硝酸盐氮的酸度对回收率的影响                      周莎莎40

The influence of acidity on the recovery ratewhen testing nitrate itrogen

by spectrophotometric method with phenol disulfonic acid         Zhou Shasha


空气净化器甲醛净化能力的测试方法                         宋静  孙立  闻真  沈浩(43)

Analysis of testing methods on the formaldehyde purification ability of air cleaners

                                Song Jing,Sun Li,Wen Zhen,Shen Hao


检定医用数字摄影(DR)系统X射线辐射源影像的均匀性     刘萍萍  林志伟45

Discussion on conformity assessment and verification method of image

uniformity for Digital Radiographic X-ray System               Liu Pingping,Lin Zhiwei


基于CAN总线的流量监控系统                           刘娜(48)

A flow monitoring system based on CAN fieldbus                 Liu Na


冷空气对灭菌器检测结果的影响                        张洁静 陈攀51

Introduction to the cold air influence on testing results of sterilizer

                                               Zhang Jiejing,Cheng Pan


催化燃烧式、半导体式可燃气体检测仪的检定                   任志伟 王瑞 朱兰(53)

Discuss verification of catalytic and semiconductor combustible gas detectors

                                          Ren Zhiwei,Wang Rui,Zhu Lan


电能表并联情况下的电能计量分析                        张宇明(55)

Watt-hour meter parallel case analysis of the electric energy metering

                                        Zhang Yuming


长度计量基础知识讲座 第五十二讲:齿轮渐开线样板                        顾耀宗(57)

Length metrology knowledge lecture52Gear Involute Master      Gu Yaozong


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第一讲:关节球                          倪新珉(58)

Feature control frame indication 1Ball joint                       Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第二讲:球轴承内环                   倪新珉(60)

Feature control frame indication 2The ball bearing inner ring     Ni Xinmin


农资类定量包装商品现状及检验中需注意的问题                     赵炜(63)

The present condition fo agricultural products in prepackages with fixed content

and pay attention to the problem of testing                     Zhao Wei


提高海军企业计量保障能力的几点建议                        周建童(65)

Suggestions on improving the Navy enterprise metrology support ability

 ‍                                                     Zhou Jiantong


公文                                                             (67-71)

商情                                                             (72-74)

扉页 计量动态  国务院参事赴上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  长江经济带及华东地区合作开展计量科普网上宣传活动

56   计量动态  两项科研项目喜获“上海市科技进步奖”

64   计量动态  中韩计量联合研讨会在沪召开

66   计量动态  长江经济带及华东地区深化计量合作与互认研讨会在沪召开













时间: 2017 -03 -06

Vol.42,No.3  June 25,2015


中国古玉器(商-汉)的分类及特征               奚波  陆晓颖  钱伟吉  吕晓瑜2

Classification and characteristics of China's ancient jade (Shang-Han Dynasty)

Xi Bo,Lu Xiaoying,Qian Weiji,Lv Xiaoyu


冬季乘用车车内空气污染物及其释放规律                               李倩  何潇俊6

Research on the air pollution inside saloon car and its release in winter

                                                                    Li Qian, He Xiaojun


大型平直类量具在线自动化检定装置                         陈浩   马浩慧   谢燮10

Research on the automatic verification device of large straight measuring tools

                                  Cheng Hao,Ma Haohui,Xie Xie


利用热重分析仪研究链条锅炉燃烧用煤特性                                   姚志鹏14

For the combustion of coal properties by means of thermogravimetric analysis of chain boiler

                                                           Yao Zhipeng


移动基线的设计和应用                                 马建敏  刘芳芳  张波  郭志敏17

Design and application of removable baseline

                                         Ma Jianmin,Liu Fangfang,Zhang Bo,Guo Zhimin


用模拟退火算法拟合铂电阻的热特性曲线       张佳仁 张婧瑜 王鹏 张建忠20

The explore to fit RTD characteristic curve by Simulated annealing algorithm

                                  Zhang jiaren, Zhang jinyu, Wang peng, Zhang jianzhong


半导体级高纯氨水中痕量杂质元素的检测               陈黎明   应劼   张笑旻23

Determination of impurities in semiconductor grade ammonia      

                                                  Chen LimingYing jieZhang Xiaomin


卫浴产品耐荷重性智能化检测装置              曹雅文 肖其新 唐敏俊 李鑫犇25

A set of device about load resistance intelligent detection for bathroom products

                     Cao Yawen, Xiao Qixin, Tang Minjun, Li Xinben


高速生产线产品传送速度的在线校准方法                           肖天雷28

Online calibration method for product conveying speed on high-speed production line

 Xiao Tianlei


阿贝折射仪的影响因素                                  徐聪恩(31)

a brief analysis of impact on Abbe refractometer

                                                        Xu Congen


影响超声热量表流量检定结果的因素                  朱锐   亚力坤   王鹏(34)

Influence factors of flow verification of ultrasonic heat meter           

                                           Zhu Rui,Ya Likun,Wang Peng


二氧化硅标准溶液的配制及其不确定度评定         白静  段嫚雷  夏娃  丁敏(36)

Uncertainty evaluation of the preparation of the silicon dioxide standard solution            

                                              Bai Jing, Duan Manlei, Xia Wa, Ding Min

酚二磺酸光度法测定硝酸盐氮的酸度对回收率的影响                      周莎莎40

The influence of acidity on the recovery ratewhen testing nitrate itrogen

by spectrophotometric method with phenol disulfonic acid         Zhou Shasha


空气净化器甲醛净化能力的测试方法                         宋静  孙立  闻真  沈浩(43)

Analysis of testing methods on the formaldehyde purification ability of air cleaners

                                Song Jing,Sun Li,Wen Zhen,Shen Hao


检定医用数字摄影(DR)系统X射线辐射源影像的均匀性     刘萍萍  林志伟45

Discussion on conformity assessment and verification method of image

uniformity for Digital Radiographic X-ray System               Liu Pingping,Lin Zhiwei


基于CAN总线的流量监控系统                           刘娜(48)

A flow monitoring system based on CAN fieldbus                 Liu Na


冷空气对灭菌器检测结果的影响                        张洁静 陈攀51

Introduction to the cold air influence on testing results of sterilizer

                                               Zhang Jiejing,Cheng Pan


催化燃烧式、半导体式可燃气体检测仪的检定                   任志伟 王瑞 朱兰(53)

Discuss verification of catalytic and semiconductor combustible gas detectors

                                          Ren Zhiwei,Wang Rui,Zhu Lan


电能表并联情况下的电能计量分析                        张宇明(55)

Watt-hour meter parallel case analysis of the electric energy metering

                                        Zhang Yuming


长度计量基础知识讲座 第五十二讲:齿轮渐开线样板                        顾耀宗(57)

Length metrology knowledge lecture52Gear Involute Master      Gu Yaozong


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第一讲:关节球                          倪新珉(58)

Feature control frame indication 1Ball joint                       Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第二讲:球轴承内环                   倪新珉(60)

Feature control frame indication 2The ball bearing inner ring     Ni Xinmin


农资类定量包装商品现状及检验中需注意的问题                     赵炜(63)

The present condition fo agricultural products in prepackages with fixed content

and pay attention to the problem of testing                     Zhao Wei


提高海军企业计量保障能力的几点建议                        周建童(65)

Suggestions on improving the Navy enterprise metrology support ability

 ‍                                                     Zhou Jiantong


公文                                                             (67-71)

商情                                                             (72-74)

扉页 计量动态  国务院参事赴上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  长江经济带及华东地区合作开展计量科普网上宣传活动

56   计量动态  两项科研项目喜获“上海市科技进步奖”

64   计量动态  中韩计量联合研讨会在沪召开

66   计量动态  长江经济带及华东地区深化计量合作与互认研讨会在沪召开












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