> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2015年
发布日期:2017-03-07 09:03 浏览次数:


Vol.42,No.5  October 25,2015



张忠立  张进明  洪扁  胡安伦  章天霈  周毅冰2

A verification method of the front surface flatness of Goldmannapplanationtonometer (GAT) head

Zhang Zhongli, Zhang Jinming, Hong Bian, Hu Anlun, Zhang Tianpei, Zhou Yibing


基于回转面螺线纹理构造缺陷的质量检测模式                        朱正德6

Research on the monitoring mode of surface microtexture caused by the defect of rotary sealing surface

                                                                      Zhu Zhengde


气相色谱-质谱联用法测定乳液化妆品中的苯唑卡因            田玉平 顾玲玲10

Detecting for benzocaine in daily chemical products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

                                                                     Tian Yuping, Gu Lingling


残存概率法灭菌程序的设计与验证             徐含青 潘建良 宋姗姗 昝勤楠12

Design and verification of the sterilization program according to bioburden based process

                                                  Xu Hanqing, Pan Jianliang, Song Shanshan, Zan Qinnan


纳米薄膜厚度标准物质的均匀性及稳定性监测             徐建  郝萍  周莹15

Uniformity and stability test of nano-film thickness reference material

                                                         Xu Jian, Hao Ping, Zhou Ying


水汽化潜热测定装置                              陈玉精  顾进锋  闵德18

A testing device for latent heat of water vaporization

                                                        Chen Yujing, Gu Jinfeng, Min De


余弦误差在轮廓仪角度校准中的影响                              高瑞翔21

The impact of cosine error on tester angle calibration of profilometers

                                                                      Gao Ruixiang


雷达系统级电磁兼容试验方法                                      丁华23

The radar system-level electromagnetic compatibility test method       Ding Hua


光伏组件户外测试系统搭建                               严雅君 王婷婷26

Establishment of photovoltaic modules outdoor test system

                                                              Yan Yajun,Wang Tingting


供热管道保温材料                                             谢莉莉(29)

Thermal insulation material for the heat-supply pipelimes              Xie Lili


孔口流量计校准装置及其校准方法                               蔡勤  刘敦利(32)

Calibration device and method for orifice flowmeters            Cai Qin,Liu Dunli


集中式中央空调对办公场所内空气污染物降解的影响          李倩 吴静霞(34)

Effects on air pollutant degradation within the office space by central air conditioning

                                                                            Li Qian, Wu Jingxia


计算机显示器能源效率标识计量检测的影响因素                   张永臣38

Influence factor of metrology testing for energy efficiency label of computer monitors

                                                                             Zhang Yongchen


大气压变化对膜式燃气表示值误差测量的影响                          刘跃华(41)

Impact of atmospheric pressure change on the indication error measurement of diaphragm gas meters

                                                               Liu Yuehua


四轮定位仪校准方法的改进                               李淳  宋文斌  陈平(43)

The calibration process improvement of four wheel alignment instrument

               Li Chun,Song Wenbin,Chen Ping


提高原油流量检定工作效率与质量的措施           赵瑾  周国琴  张庆峰45

To improve the quality of crude oil flow verification work efficiency and the measures   

                                                                Zhao Jin,Zhou Guoqin,Zhang Qingfeng


数字指示秤化整前的误差计算                                   李艳武(47)

Rounding errors calculation of digital indicating weighing instrument

                                           Li Yanwu


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第五讲:开槽螺母                     倪新珉(49)

Feature control frame indication 5slotted nut                  Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第六讲:铰制孔用螺栓                    倪新珉(50)

Feature control frame indication 6Fit bolt                     Ni Xinmin


上机动车安检机构管理体系建立及内部审核                        宋向英(52)

Considerations on the establishment and internal auditing of the management system of

the motor vehicle security inspection agency

                                                                              Song Xiangying


公文                                                             (55-59)

商情                                                             (60-62)


扉页 计量动态  国家质检总局科技司领导来上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  “上海市计量科普网上竞答活动”荣获“推进公民科学素质示范项目”称号












前插六: 2016国际质量检测分析技术及测量测试仪器仪表展览会


时间: 2017 -03 -07


Vol.42,No.5  October 25,2015



张忠立  张进明  洪扁  胡安伦  章天霈  周毅冰2

A verification method of the front surface flatness of Goldmannapplanationtonometer (GAT) head

Zhang Zhongli, Zhang Jinming, Hong Bian, Hu Anlun, Zhang Tianpei, Zhou Yibing


基于回转面螺线纹理构造缺陷的质量检测模式                        朱正德6

Research on the monitoring mode of surface microtexture caused by the defect of rotary sealing surface

                                                                      Zhu Zhengde


气相色谱-质谱联用法测定乳液化妆品中的苯唑卡因            田玉平 顾玲玲10

Detecting for benzocaine in daily chemical products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

                                                                     Tian Yuping, Gu Lingling


残存概率法灭菌程序的设计与验证             徐含青 潘建良 宋姗姗 昝勤楠12

Design and verification of the sterilization program according to bioburden based process

                                                  Xu Hanqing, Pan Jianliang, Song Shanshan, Zan Qinnan


纳米薄膜厚度标准物质的均匀性及稳定性监测             徐建  郝萍  周莹15

Uniformity and stability test of nano-film thickness reference material

                                                         Xu Jian, Hao Ping, Zhou Ying


水汽化潜热测定装置                              陈玉精  顾进锋  闵德18

A testing device for latent heat of water vaporization

                                                        Chen Yujing, Gu Jinfeng, Min De


余弦误差在轮廓仪角度校准中的影响                              高瑞翔21

The impact of cosine error on tester angle calibration of profilometers

                                                                      Gao Ruixiang


雷达系统级电磁兼容试验方法                                      丁华23

The radar system-level electromagnetic compatibility test method       Ding Hua


光伏组件户外测试系统搭建                               严雅君 王婷婷26

Establishment of photovoltaic modules outdoor test system

                                                              Yan Yajun,Wang Tingting


供热管道保温材料                                             谢莉莉(29)

Thermal insulation material for the heat-supply pipelimes              Xie Lili


孔口流量计校准装置及其校准方法                               蔡勤  刘敦利(32)

Calibration device and method for orifice flowmeters            Cai Qin,Liu Dunli


集中式中央空调对办公场所内空气污染物降解的影响          李倩 吴静霞(34)

Effects on air pollutant degradation within the office space by central air conditioning

                                                                            Li Qian, Wu Jingxia


计算机显示器能源效率标识计量检测的影响因素                   张永臣38

Influence factor of metrology testing for energy efficiency label of computer monitors

                                                                             Zhang Yongchen


大气压变化对膜式燃气表示值误差测量的影响                          刘跃华(41)

Impact of atmospheric pressure change on the indication error measurement of diaphragm gas meters

                                                               Liu Yuehua


四轮定位仪校准方法的改进                               李淳  宋文斌  陈平(43)

The calibration process improvement of four wheel alignment instrument

               Li Chun,Song Wenbin,Chen Ping


提高原油流量检定工作效率与质量的措施           赵瑾  周国琴  张庆峰45

To improve the quality of crude oil flow verification work efficiency and the measures   

                                                                Zhao Jin,Zhou Guoqin,Zhang Qingfeng


数字指示秤化整前的误差计算                                   李艳武(47)

Rounding errors calculation of digital indicating weighing instrument

                                           Li Yanwu


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第五讲:开槽螺母                     倪新珉(49)

Feature control frame indication 5slotted nut                  Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第六讲:铰制孔用螺栓                    倪新珉(50)

Feature control frame indication 6Fit bolt                     Ni Xinmin


上机动车安检机构管理体系建立及内部审核                        宋向英(52)

Considerations on the establishment and internal auditing of the management system of

the motor vehicle security inspection agency

                                                                              Song Xiangying


公文                                                             (55-59)

商情                                                             (60-62)


扉页 计量动态  国家质检总局科技司领导来上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  “上海市计量科普网上竞答活动”荣获“推进公民科学素质示范项目”称号












前插六: 2016国际质量检测分析技术及测量测试仪器仪表展览会

Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统