> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2015年
发布日期:2017-03-07 09:13 浏览次数:

Vol.42,No.6  December 25,2015



赵波  李博  马宇明  邓凌翔2

Remote automatic test system design and application of smart meter temperature rise test                             Zhao Bo,Li Bo,Ma Yuming,Deng Lingxiang


温湿度检定箱的自控装置                    崔体运  张文东 沈淘淘  张勇5

Automatic control device for temperature and humidity test chamber

                         Cui Tiyun,Zhang Wendong,Shen Taotao,Zhang Yong


弧形工件的测量                             杨华  温泽强  周新民  陈新8

The Measurement of arc workpiece   Yang Hua,Wen Zeqiang,Zhou Xinmin,Chen Xin



钟一峰 谢莉莉 周方  穆志君10

Error analysis between the simplified flow formula and the theoretical flow rate of the orifice-plate flowmeter           Zhong Yifeng,Xie Lili,Zhou Fang,Mu Zhijun


温度和吸附时间对竹炭去除有害物质的影响                  李倩  王晓旭12

Effect of temperature and adsorption time on removeing harmful substances by bamboo charcoal                               Li Qian, Wang Xiaoxu


角位移传感器校准装置                              王树刚   王国民16

A calibration device for angulardisplacement sensors    Wang Shugang , Wang Guomin


低于0.65 g/cm3工作密度计测量方法                        文慧卿 汪濂泂18

A measurement method for measuring hydrometers below 0.65 g/cm3

                                               Wen HuiqingWang Lianjiong


阻尼正弦瞬变信号发生器的校准方法                                丁华21

The calibration method for damped sinusoidal transient signal generator   Ding Hua


基于模糊理论的人体运动能耗监测                        胡久龙  瞿潮庆23

Monitoring of human movement energy consumption based on fuzzy theory

                                                  Hu Jiulong,Qu Chaoqing


基于高斯牛顿迭代法的无损检测眼镜镜片折射率方法                 侯蕊(28)

Non-destructive method of measuring the refractive index of spectacle lenses based on Gauss-Newton iterative method                                  Hou Rui


恒温槽软件验证                                              刘新兰(31)

Software verification of thermostatic bath                     Liu Xinlan


F1等级砝码校准的测量审核                                张莉莉 王健(34)

Measurement audits of F1 weights calibration           Zhang Lili,Wang Jian


带电作业用绝缘垫电气性能的检测装置            胡佳乐  王冠钧  严海东(37)

Research of electrical performance testing device for matting of insulating material for electrical purpose                     Hu Jiale,Wang Guanjun,Yan Haidong


太阳能电池性能测试及应用                                吴姣  吴兴39

Cell performance testing and application                 Wu Jiao,Wu Xing


酸度计检定装置期间核查的实施方法                            傅家乐(41)

The Implementation of Intermediate checks on the laboratory pH meters   Fu Jiale


千分尺平行度失准的原因及修理                                  李承荣(42)

Describes the causes and repair of micrometer parallelism       Li Chengrong


乡镇医疗机构血压计使用存在的问题及解决办法                    王华44

Problems and their solutions in the use of the sphygmomanometer for township medical institutions                                                  Wang Hua


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第七讲:55°角度规                  倪新珉(45)

Feature control frame indication 755°angle gauge                Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第八讲:V形槽                     倪新珉(47)

Feature control frame indication 8V-shape trough                Ni Xinmin


CNAS-CL10:2012在贵金属化学检测实验室的应用           虞婧 方名戍(49)

Application of CNAS-CL10:2012 in the chemical detection laboratory of noble metal

                                                     Yu Jing,Fang Mingxu


公文                                                             (52-55)

商情                                                             (56-58)

投稿须知                                                         (59-60)

总目次                                                           (61-62)

扉页 计量动态  国家质检总局吴清海副局长来上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导在上海市计量测试技术研究调研并指导工作

33   计量动态  CNAS M0069角度块校准能力验证计划圆满结束

55   计量动态  推进法定计量单位工作座谈会在沪召开














时间: 2017 -03 -07

Vol.42,No.6  December 25,2015



赵波  李博  马宇明  邓凌翔2

Remote automatic test system design and application of smart meter temperature rise test                             Zhao Bo,Li Bo,Ma Yuming,Deng Lingxiang


温湿度检定箱的自控装置                    崔体运  张文东 沈淘淘  张勇5

Automatic control device for temperature and humidity test chamber

                         Cui Tiyun,Zhang Wendong,Shen Taotao,Zhang Yong


弧形工件的测量                             杨华  温泽强  周新民  陈新8

The Measurement of arc workpiece   Yang Hua,Wen Zeqiang,Zhou Xinmin,Chen Xin



钟一峰 谢莉莉 周方  穆志君10

Error analysis between the simplified flow formula and the theoretical flow rate of the orifice-plate flowmeter           Zhong Yifeng,Xie Lili,Zhou Fang,Mu Zhijun


温度和吸附时间对竹炭去除有害物质的影响                  李倩  王晓旭12

Effect of temperature and adsorption time on removeing harmful substances by bamboo charcoal                               Li Qian, Wang Xiaoxu


角位移传感器校准装置                              王树刚   王国民16

A calibration device for angulardisplacement sensors    Wang Shugang , Wang Guomin


低于0.65 g/cm3工作密度计测量方法                        文慧卿 汪濂泂18

A measurement method for measuring hydrometers below 0.65 g/cm3

                                               Wen HuiqingWang Lianjiong


阻尼正弦瞬变信号发生器的校准方法                                丁华21

The calibration method for damped sinusoidal transient signal generator   Ding Hua


基于模糊理论的人体运动能耗监测                        胡久龙  瞿潮庆23

Monitoring of human movement energy consumption based on fuzzy theory

                                                  Hu Jiulong,Qu Chaoqing


基于高斯牛顿迭代法的无损检测眼镜镜片折射率方法                 侯蕊(28)

Non-destructive method of measuring the refractive index of spectacle lenses based on Gauss-Newton iterative method                                  Hou Rui


恒温槽软件验证                                              刘新兰(31)

Software verification of thermostatic bath                     Liu Xinlan


F1等级砝码校准的测量审核                                张莉莉 王健(34)

Measurement audits of F1 weights calibration           Zhang Lili,Wang Jian


带电作业用绝缘垫电气性能的检测装置            胡佳乐  王冠钧  严海东(37)

Research of electrical performance testing device for matting of insulating material for electrical purpose                     Hu Jiale,Wang Guanjun,Yan Haidong


太阳能电池性能测试及应用                                吴姣  吴兴39

Cell performance testing and application                 Wu Jiao,Wu Xing


酸度计检定装置期间核查的实施方法                            傅家乐(41)

The Implementation of Intermediate checks on the laboratory pH meters   Fu Jiale


千分尺平行度失准的原因及修理                                  李承荣(42)

Describes the causes and repair of micrometer parallelism       Li Chengrong


乡镇医疗机构血压计使用存在的问题及解决办法                    王华44

Problems and their solutions in the use of the sphygmomanometer for township medical institutions                                                  Wang Hua


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第七讲:55°角度规                  倪新珉(45)

Feature control frame indication 755°angle gauge                Ni Xinmin    


几何公差代号标注示例讲座 第八讲:V形槽                     倪新珉(47)

Feature control frame indication 8V-shape trough                Ni Xinmin


CNAS-CL10:2012在贵金属化学检测实验室的应用           虞婧 方名戍(49)

Application of CNAS-CL10:2012 in the chemical detection laboratory of noble metal

                                                     Yu Jing,Fang Mingxu


公文                                                             (52-55)

商情                                                             (56-58)

投稿须知                                                         (59-60)

总目次                                                           (61-62)

扉页 计量动态  国家质检总局吴清海副局长来上海市计量测试技术研究院调研

扉页 计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导在上海市计量测试技术研究调研并指导工作

33   计量动态  CNAS M0069角度块校准能力验证计划圆满结束

55   计量动态  推进法定计量单位工作座谈会在沪召开













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