> 知识园地 > 《上海计量测试》 > 2020年
发布日期:2020-05-08 14:18 浏览次数:


Vol.47,No.1  February 25,2020


荧光定量PCR仪计量校准结果的影响因素分析及控制  梁文   罗超   盛舒瑶2

Analysis and control of influencing factors in the calibration of real-time PCR instrument                                Liang WenLuo ChaoSheng Shuyao


生物安全柜关键计量参数校准                    孟盈    马子嘉   石曙光4

Calibration of key measurement parameters for biosafety cabinet

                                        Meng YingMa ZijiaShi Shuguang


对多参数监护仪检定方法的理解                       赵越   付令   江鲲7

Understanding of verification method of multifunction patient monitoring instruments

                                          Zhao YueFu LingJiang Kun


用于人体体温筛查的红外体温计使用和计量要点      顾琴   曾凡超   郑伟10

The use and measurement of infrared thermometer for body temperature screening

                                      Gu QinZeng FanchaoZheng Wei


气载放射性碘采样测量方法研究进展                       唐方东   赵超12

Review on sampling and measuring methods of airborne radioiodine

                                                   Tang FangdongZhao Chao


一种免标靶桥梁挠度仪校准方法                  周志春   刘震   王汉斌16

The research on calibration method of a target-free bridge deflection instrument

                                      Zhou ZhichunLiu ZhenWang Hanbin



                     赵超   陆小军   胡玲   何林锋   刘佳煜   唐方东18

Study on the preparation method for reference source of airborne radioiodine

         Zhao ChaoLu XiaojunHu LingHe LinfengLiu JiayuTang Fangdong



                                                        林军   吕丹22

Design and Implementation of intrinsic safety fuel dispenser automatic verification system based on magnetostrictive sensor                     Lin JunLü Dan


多参数扭矩传感器的校准方法                            郑熙云   李业25

A reseach for multi-parameter torque sensor calibration device

                                                 Zheng XiyunLi Ye



                  于宏伟   翟桂君   张雨萱   栗亚钊   刘昊雨   刘逸波28

Structure and thermal stability study of dimethicone   

     Yu HongweiZhai Guijun,Zhang YuxuanLi YazhaoLiu HaoyuLiu Yibo



                                    秦晓玲   方名戍   虞婧   张元璋33

Comparative study on the determination of Nickel Release in K-gold alloy by ICP and AA                         Qin XiaolingFang MingshuYu JinZhang Yuanzhang


特斯拉计探头自动精准定位和校准系统                            周萍37

Study on automatic precise position and calibration system of tesla-meter

                                                              Zhou Ping


工频电场测量仪的校准装置                                    左建生39

Calibration device for power frequency electric field measuring instrument

                                                         Zuo Jiansheng


基于新型多孔二氧化铅电极处理哌啶               范越   梁晓雄   黄莉42

Study on the treatment of piperidine with a new lead dioxide electrode

                                    Fan YueLiang XiaoxiongHuang Li


压电式阻抗头的标定                                             王玲46

Calibration of piezoelectric impedance head                           Wang Ling


电位滴定法标定余氯标准物质            夏娃   孟娇然   段嫚雷   丁敏49

Potentiometric titration for calibrating residual chlorine reference material

                             Xia WaMeng JiaoranDuan ManleiDing Min


一种活塞式压力计的数值研究方法        张忠立   秦亭亭   王灿   洪扁52

A numerical investigation method for piston gauge

                          Zhang ZhongliQin TingtingWang CanHong Bian


温湿度标准箱校准相关问题                                胡健   徐标56

Discussion on problems related to calibration of Temperature and Humidity Standard Chambers                                               Hu JianXu Biao


机动车安全检验机构内部质量控制的方法及评价  赵存彬   邵建文   余崇皓58

The method and evaluation about internal quality control of vehicles inspection body

                                     Zhao CunbinShao JianwenYu Chonghao


CNAS检测实验室和科研实验室的区别                              朱顺61

A brief comparative analysis of the difference between testing laboratory and research laboratory in CNAS accreditation                                 Zhu Shun


0   新年致辞

扉页  计量动态  上海市市场监督管理局党组书记倪俊南到上海市计量测试技术研究院检查疫情防控

扉页  计量动态  上海市市场监管局徐徕副局长赴上海市计量测试技术研究院防疫计量器具集中


9      计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院快速设立疫情防控用仪器设备专项检测实验室


















时间: 2020 -05 -08


Vol.47,No.1  February 25,2020


荧光定量PCR仪计量校准结果的影响因素分析及控制  梁文   罗超   盛舒瑶2

Analysis and control of influencing factors in the calibration of real-time PCR instrument                                Liang WenLuo ChaoSheng Shuyao


生物安全柜关键计量参数校准                    孟盈    马子嘉   石曙光4

Calibration of key measurement parameters for biosafety cabinet

                                        Meng YingMa ZijiaShi Shuguang


对多参数监护仪检定方法的理解                       赵越   付令   江鲲7

Understanding of verification method of multifunction patient monitoring instruments

                                          Zhao YueFu LingJiang Kun


用于人体体温筛查的红外体温计使用和计量要点      顾琴   曾凡超   郑伟10

The use and measurement of infrared thermometer for body temperature screening

                                      Gu QinZeng FanchaoZheng Wei


气载放射性碘采样测量方法研究进展                       唐方东   赵超12

Review on sampling and measuring methods of airborne radioiodine

                                                   Tang FangdongZhao Chao


一种免标靶桥梁挠度仪校准方法                  周志春   刘震   王汉斌16

The research on calibration method of a target-free bridge deflection instrument

                                      Zhou ZhichunLiu ZhenWang Hanbin



                     赵超   陆小军   胡玲   何林锋   刘佳煜   唐方东18

Study on the preparation method for reference source of airborne radioiodine

         Zhao ChaoLu XiaojunHu LingHe LinfengLiu JiayuTang Fangdong



                                                        林军   吕丹22

Design and Implementation of intrinsic safety fuel dispenser automatic verification system based on magnetostrictive sensor                     Lin JunLü Dan


多参数扭矩传感器的校准方法                            郑熙云   李业25

A reseach for multi-parameter torque sensor calibration device

                                                 Zheng XiyunLi Ye



                  于宏伟   翟桂君   张雨萱   栗亚钊   刘昊雨   刘逸波28

Structure and thermal stability study of dimethicone   

     Yu HongweiZhai Guijun,Zhang YuxuanLi YazhaoLiu HaoyuLiu Yibo



                                    秦晓玲   方名戍   虞婧   张元璋33

Comparative study on the determination of Nickel Release in K-gold alloy by ICP and AA                         Qin XiaolingFang MingshuYu JinZhang Yuanzhang


特斯拉计探头自动精准定位和校准系统                            周萍37

Study on automatic precise position and calibration system of tesla-meter

                                                              Zhou Ping


工频电场测量仪的校准装置                                    左建生39

Calibration device for power frequency electric field measuring instrument

                                                         Zuo Jiansheng


基于新型多孔二氧化铅电极处理哌啶               范越   梁晓雄   黄莉42

Study on the treatment of piperidine with a new lead dioxide electrode

                                    Fan YueLiang XiaoxiongHuang Li


压电式阻抗头的标定                                             王玲46

Calibration of piezoelectric impedance head                           Wang Ling


电位滴定法标定余氯标准物质            夏娃   孟娇然   段嫚雷   丁敏49

Potentiometric titration for calibrating residual chlorine reference material

                             Xia WaMeng JiaoranDuan ManleiDing Min


一种活塞式压力计的数值研究方法        张忠立   秦亭亭   王灿   洪扁52

A numerical investigation method for piston gauge

                          Zhang ZhongliQin TingtingWang CanHong Bian


温湿度标准箱校准相关问题                                胡健   徐标56

Discussion on problems related to calibration of Temperature and Humidity Standard Chambers                                               Hu JianXu Biao


机动车安全检验机构内部质量控制的方法及评价  赵存彬   邵建文   余崇皓58

The method and evaluation about internal quality control of vehicles inspection body

                                     Zhao CunbinShao JianwenYu Chonghao


CNAS检测实验室和科研实验室的区别                              朱顺61

A brief comparative analysis of the difference between testing laboratory and research laboratory in CNAS accreditation                                 Zhu Shun


0   新年致辞

扉页  计量动态  上海市市场监督管理局党组书记倪俊南到上海市计量测试技术研究院检查疫情防控

扉页  计量动态  上海市市场监管局徐徕副局长赴上海市计量测试技术研究院防疫计量器具集中


9      计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院快速设立疫情防控用仪器设备专项检测实验室

















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